Jászberény is a mid-size Hungarian town (with 27 439 inhabitants) 80 km from Budapest. The city is a regional administrative center and with its wider region called Jászság it represents outstanding economic potentials by national standards. Electronics, plastic device manufacturing, services & retail dominate the economic profile attracting labourforce from as far as 100km.
Municipality of Jászberény, besides its ususal administrative tasks strives to further boost local economy, eagerly protects local heritage and runs versatile cultural services such as a local museum, art collections, a movie, a public library, a first-line, folk dance group. It also organizes international folk festivals, art symposiums as well as fairs of local / regional products such as honey. Municipality of Jászberény is the lead partner (LP) of StimulArt thus it bears the responsibility of the overall management and several specified tasks. The expected benefit of the municipality is to learn good practices from the partners and to adapt and elaborate workable solutions for the CCI overall operational and financing models locally.
Jászkerület (JKER) is a non-profit company of public utility and one of the project partners in STIMULART. JKER uses and maintains most cultural infrastructure owned by the Municipality and provides a wide variety of public services related to local culture and sports. It runs the library and a local movie, provides services in informal education, organises trainings for skill development, disseminates knowledge in e.g. the field of heritage or env.-al issues; protects the local cultural heritage, supports local cultural organizations, organizes sports events
and also tackles issues linked to the youth.
Municipality of Kamnik (KAMMUN) is a local public authority, occupying an area of 266 km2 with approximately 30,000 inhabitants. Its responsibilities include: socioeconomic development, urban planning, traffic infrastructure, water supply, waste management, public safety and protection, housing, education, etc. The city itself is the cultural, administrative and business centre of the municipality. It runs several financing programmes related to CCI, it provides HR support to the Entrepreneurial Club of Kamnik, it supports KIKštarter, a co-working space and incubator which has helped initiate dozens of business ideas and hosted thousands of visitors.
Regarding its role in the project, KAMMUN is a full project partner and will therefore participate in all project events (meetings, training sessions, visits, co-working). Additionally, it will contribute to the Kamnik gap analysis, will play a significant role in the implementation of the Kamnik pilot and the development of Kamnik’s CCI strategy and action plan. Much of this will be done in partnership with the Institute for Tourism, Sports and Culture of Kamnik (KAMINS), an important CCI actor in Kamnik.
Vittorio Veneto is a medium sized city (with an average of 28.100 inhabitants) which lies near the Prealpi Trevigiane (northern part of the Veneto Region between the Lagoon and the Dolomiti Mountains). The Municipality was created by uniting the two ancient towns: Ceneda and Serravalle, two important commercial and historical centers particularly important and well known in the medieval age.
As Partner of the STIMULART Project, the Municipality of Vittorio Veneto will support the implementation of innovative governance models for public and private initiatives able to promote and involve the role of the CCIs for the local social and economic development.
In particular the Municipality aims at creating favorable conditions for local urban regeneration processes and SMEs growth by promoting information exchange for possible public-private synergies verifying the interest of the industrial and handcraft sectors of the area, with regard to possible collaborations with other innovative sectors (cultural sector, creative art) in order to develop new opportunities and added value for the local productive sectors.
Amberg is a city in Bavaria with ~42,000 inhabitants. It is a regional centre and the third largest city in the administrative district of Upper Palatinate. Amberg has strong industrial and commercial sectors with advanced mechanical and electrical engineering particularly well represented. Just like in the rest of Bavaria though, CCI play an important role in the life and economy of the city and the local public administration wishes to support its further development via the StimulART Project. The City of Amberg is a full project partner and will participate in all project events, development of tools and deliverables as well as implement its own pilot project: a digital cooperation platform for CCI in Amberg.
Universität Regensburg (UREG), founded in 1962 as a regional university, has developed into a renowned centre of teaching and research with a strong tradition in international cooperations, particularly as bridge between East & West as exemplified by numerous partnerships with Central & Eastern European universities. The Chair of Leadership and Organisation of UREG's faculty for Business Studies is the scientific partner in the Stimulart project. Its role as a horizontal knowledge partner is to conduct basic research about the particular conditions of CCI development in medium sized cities, to provide sound methodological support as well as to ensure both smooth knowledge transfer among the partners and replicability of the final project results across similar cities in the EU. The common goal of the project is to enhance the local CCI eco systems through a change of organisational and financing frameworks that are aligned with both their national political and cultural framework and their site-specific cultural resources and city identities. In order to reach this goal the project plans to better employ human and institutional capital, vacant urban infrastructure, and an often neglected source of creativity: local culture and heritage.
Naumburg is a local public authority with a population of around 33,000 occupying 130km2 in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. The main basis of the city’s economy is services and retail, but tourism — and cultural tourism in particular — is an important and growing sector. Naumburg will gain practical experience through the implementation of the pilot and the mapping of CCI in the town and, finally, develop a custom CCI strategy and action plan. An additional significant benefit will be an enhanced ability to retain and attract young professionals. Regarding the specific activities in the work plan, Naumburg is the coordinator of the deliverable “Development of CCI Repository”.