To facilitate the interaction of regional development and transport infrastructure development, the partners have developed Corridor Capitalisation Plans. These plans have a planning horizon corresponding to the perspective of realisation of the new railway line Dresden-Prague. They demonstrate how an intensively used corridor affects regional development and logistics, and which contributions made on regional level will strengthen the corridor and its functionality.
As informal instrument, Corridor Capitalisation Plans address existing planning levels and instruments in the field of transport and logistics, regional development and spatial planning on local, regional, national and transnational level, thus contributing to multi-level governance.
Capitalisation Plan
Capitalisation Plan
To demonstrate the short-term benefits of better accessibility and connectivity and to underline the added value of the strategic infrastructure investment, the partners have implemented multimodal freight transport pilot actions. These were aimed at the improvement of the accessibility and connectivity of intermodal hubs and inland ports, the investigation of the feasibility of new intermodal services considering innovative technical and organisational solutions and the investigation of attractive multimodal logistics locations.
CORCAP has 10 partners from Germany, the Czech Repulic, Slovakia and Hungary
Pilot actions
Budget in mil.euro