SOUTH-WEST SLOVAKIA - Preparing the infrastructure for the future


Corridor Capitalisation Plan (EN)
Corridor Capitalisation Plan (SK)

Considering the results of the pilot action aimed at the investigation of attractive multimodal logistics locations, the Corridor Capitalisation Plan for South-West Slovakia outlines an action-oriented framework for the preparation and implementation of identified investments and improvements in the Bratislava, Trnava and Nitra Self-Governing Regions.

For this purpose, a comprehensive intervention logic with a hierarchy of objectives, priority axes and measures has been developed, supporting the enhancement of the functionality of the freight corridor and an efficient corridor development process. Additionally, related outputs and activities, financial needs, relevant stakeholders, possible sources of funding and relevant key projects have been identified.

Challenges addressed

Following the Slovak Spatial Development Perspective, the settlement system in the Slovak Republic shall be developed according to the principle of “concentrated decentralisation”, with efficient suburban and regional rail passenger transport. At the same time, it is necessary to provide sufficient capacity for transit rail freight,.

To comply with these aims, the strategic objective to increase the share of rail freight to at least 50 % by 2050 has been defined. This change shall be achieved through the modernisation and completion of the regional railway network and the development of a network of intermodal/multimodal logistics centres and hubs (IHUBs). In the effect, the burden on the settlement environment by road freight transport would be significantly reduced.

Process and organisation

The Corridor Capitalisation Plan for South-West Slovakia is based on the regional analysis of challenges and needs and the results and findings of the pilot action aimed at the investigation of attractive multimodal logistics locations. Representatives from regional offices of the Bratislava, Trnava and Nitra Self-Governing Regions, the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, the Capital City of Bratislava and transport and logistics experts have been involved in the processing of the Plan during stakeholder meetings and bilateral consultations. Works and agreements were supported through the web mapping application (WMA) created in the result of the pilot action.

Results and recommendations

Based on an intervention logic with strategic, specific and operational objectives, the following key measures have been included in the Corridor Capitalisation Plan:

  1. Development of transport infrastructure to a sufficiently large capacity, based on the analysis and assessment of different variants (Tangential, Radial, Tangential-Radial),
  2. design and development of a system of IHUBs, enabling efficient operation of a network of logistics centres,
  3. identification and sequence of steps (stages) of corridor development until 2050, considering the interlinking of planning cycles of EU regional policy and spatial planning,
  4. institutional support for implementation of the Corridor Capitalisation Plan, consisting of a coordination and cooperation platform and a territorial monitoring and information system.

Regarding the development of the railway system, it is proposed to establish a rail freight bypass for the Bratislava railway node via Kúty, Senica, Trnava, Nové Zámky and Komárno/Štúrovo. Railway lines and facilities should be adjusted and upgraded to make cross-border freight transport more efficient, with high-quality railway infrastructure providing effective connections to Brno, Budapest, Győr and Vienna. Regarding the possible extension of the broad-gauge line from Košice to Vienna, particular attention should be paid to the impact on the economic and social development of regions located along this line.

Finally, several recommendations on transnational, national and regional level have been identified, supporting the implementation of the Plan. These include the adoption of EU and national legislation favouring rail freight transport, the incorporation of project results into national and regional documents in the field of regional policy, transport, economic development and spatial planning and the elaboration of territorial and technical documents mapping related quality factors of the settlement environment, as a useful database for subsequent works.

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