Adopting innovative, advanced manufacturing processes is a major challenge for companies in central Europe. However, advance manufacturing (AVM) is not only a technological issue. Innovation managers and owners of small companies face huge organisational and strategic challenges linked to AVM. There is an urgent need to develop a joint qualification basis through transnational capacity building in local SME and lead companies. The InnoPeer AVM project developed and tested a first comprehensive, transnational AVM qualification programme, shaped to the needs of central European companies.

The multi-level programme uses a mix of well-proven and novel training formats and methods for basic, advanced and practical trainings. These  include living lab webinars, practical test runs at a model factory and AVM strategy camps. Participants attending the project’s teaching cases become InnoPeer-certified AVM managers. Pilot trainings involved target companies and innovation managers from all participating regions. The piloted programme is freely available to other interested regions and companies. The project also prepared regional action plans and a roadmap on AVM capacity building and establish the ‘InnoPeer AVM Board’ that further promotes project results.


An absolute novelty of the InnoPeer AVM project is the development of Teaching Cases for different levels of the InnoPeer curriculum. Cases reflect AVM-related challenges of regional SMEs in Central Europe and allow for problem-based teaching of the addressed knowledge dimensions through a well-defined set of training assignments at different levels of complexity. Basic Teaching Cases are available for the basic trainings in order to ensure case-based learning sessions from the very beginning. The set of Advanced Teaching Cases is available for the advanced courses on the learning platform OPEN vhb. Finally, the CE Mega Case has been specifically developed for the use in the practically oriented Strategy Camps. The cases describe real life problem settings of SMEs and larger companies, enabling training participants to learn about different aspects of management in an applied fashion. 


In the framework of the InnoPeer AVM project - we would like to provide videos that can present different kinds of Industry 4.0 solutions.

1.Custom product development: Design of an adapter fitted to an aerosol bottle, according to customer requirements, and creation of a functional prototype with additive manufacturing.

2. Business animation (CGI): According to the basic concept, a 3D character is created (with Cinema 4D and SolidWorks software) and then a storyboard is created. The scenes are then filmed by a professional film crew, and the character is aligned with the real video footage in the form of animations. For this (also used in Hollywood) innovative technologies and cinematic solutions are used.

3.Communication of various robotics devices for automated tasks: Control of two robotic arms (UR3, Franca Emica Panda) and MIR100 from a program that allows joint and automated work.The devices cannot be controlled directly, there is only a limited possibility to send the data, so a state machine had to be implemented in each machine, which processes the received command and the machine performs the task belonging to the given command. Careful planning of programs is required, especially in handling errors. The program must be written in parallel on the control computer and the devices.


4. Automated drone for inventory: The goal is to implement an indoor logistics solution that will allow a drone to autonomously inventor the desired storage area, which will be accomplished by recognizing the QR codes used in the storage system. The drone creates a live video from take-off to landing, which is transmitted to a server where the program recognizes the various QR codes in real-time from the video stream.


5. Sensory product development: During the development, the goal is to create a sensory supplement connected to a foot-moving mechanism of an existing premium product, which is widespread in the furniture industry, to interrupt the movement of the product (armchair) if any obstacle detected in the footwell.

6. 3D scanning: Three-dimensional scanning and modeling of an aircraft part., where in the preparational phase, a masking spray had been used to minimize the light reflection. A point cloud had been created from the collected digital 3D coordinates and from that, a 3D model had been created - as a three-dimensional template-  which can be exported to an interpretable format by a wide range of CAD / CAM programs.

VI. video

Project duration

Start Date


End Date


Deliverables and Outputs

This section is here for the project deliverables and outputs in the InnoPeer AVM project. The deliverables are the direct and effective results from the project and the productions of  their outputs. The productions of these represent what the project aims to change.


Project Partners

patrick zimmermann

WrocŁaw University of Science and Technology

Neuer VerweisContact Person:
kamil Krot 

cluster mechatronik & automation management ggmbh

Contact Person:
Dr. Thomas Helfer

Pannon business network association

Contact Person:
Csabai renáta 

Veneto Innovazione

Contact Person:
Ivan Boesso

Business Upper Austria

contact person:
Dl eva breuer

democenter-sipe foundation

Contact Person:
Davide Fava

Bundeswehr university munich

Contact Person:
stephan kaiser 

university of sopron 

Contact Person:
lászló bejó 

Institute for work research and work policy at johannes kepler university linz

Contact Person:
Mag.a Nina Gusenleitner, MSc

Department on management and Engineering (dtg)-Padova university

Contact Person:
Anna nosella