For the past year, several central European regions have been activley gathering insights of LOW-CARB's innovations and lessons through our events and private consultations to continue in replication actions of their own. Discover who they are and how they've learned from LOW-CARB.
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The Czech and Slovak CIVINETs, together with the City of Litomerice Transport Research Centre and Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation presented at a LOW-CARB webinar. The online meeting focused on a transfer of good practices of planning for low carbon mobility.
LOW-CARB, Dynaxibility4CE, and Civitas ECCENTRIC joined forces in a webinar exploring mobility planning in areas that are not always paid specific attention in the general SUMP process. The 90-minute session focused on how sustainable mobility in peripheral districts can be better shaped by assessing mobility at the scope of a functional urban area. Read more...
A three-day SUMP Self Assessment Tool Workshop was conducted on 31.08.2020 - 02.09.2020 in cooperation with LOW-CARB partners ZTP Kraków , Municipality of Skawina, and the LOW-CARB follower region, Kraków Metropolis Association.
The focus of the workshop was to familiarize participants with the SSAT and catalyze an SUMP process for the Krakow Functional Urban Area.
The future of public transport regarding new technologies, innovations and planned developments was disccussed at the "Online radionica "Budućnost javnog prijevoza– nove tehnologije, inovacije i planski razvoj". The City of Koprivnica and Rupprecht Consult presented the project's activities and the SUMP 2.0 guidelines in a combination of Croatian and English. Read more...
LOW-CARB presented its "Self Assessment Tool" at a Civinet Romania webinar. The presentation was amoungst three others which covered mobility and SUMP-related initatives, projects and support activities that are currently ongoing or planned by DG Move and INEA.
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LOW-CARB partner University North (Koprivnica) met at the head-office of co-coordinating partner Rupprecht Consult (Cologne) to brainstorm the sitemap of LOW-CARB's SUMP-Central. An online toolbox stocked with resources and tools to aid low-carbon planning specifically for Central European regions. I.e. available in the key CE languages.
Go behind-the-scenes of LOW-CARB in Poland with the 5th special feature. Lukasz Franek (Director of the Public Transport Board of Krakow) & Maciej Zacher (Gmina Skawina) together lead polish partners in the LOW CARB. Find out who they are, their rebellious histories, and how they move the wheels of change. Read more...
Various partnering regions of the LOW-CARB project participated in this year's EU Mobility Week (EMW). The annual event promotes sustainable forms of mobility and transportation. LOW-CARB's partnering regions Brno (CZ), Leipzig (GER), Krakow and Skawina (PL), as well as Parma (IT), collectively organised over 40 events and activities promoting low-carbon mobility. Read more...
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LOW-CARB, trolley:motion, Electro Mobility EuropeProject and the UITP Trolleybus Committee co-hosted a training in Linz, Austria! Over 50 participants learned how to center high capacity trolleybus systems as the life force of low-carbon public transport! Read more...
A whole week dedicated to exploring the many alternatives of sustainable and low carbon transportation options in Europe. Find out what our project partners prepared for you and your family in their functional urban areas. Read more...
REGIOSTARS is an annual awards competition organised by the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy to showcase innovative EU-funded projects. This year LOW-CARB was selected as a nominee and is one of 25 excellent EU projects in category 4, "building climate-resilient cities". Show your support for building clean and fair transport systems in Central Europe! Read more...
LOW-CARB has planned several exciting activities for EMW 2019. Skawina is organising a Critical Mass; air quality ozone study for children; launching their low-emission bus line; and hosting a Placegame from the Placemaking Week EU! Read more...
Public transport experts from CE countries met in Brussels at the UITP headquarters to give their feedback about the update of the European SUMP Guidelines. EU project representatives from the Interreg programme also presented their work, and discussed challenges and ideas for future co-operation. Read more...
Each year stakeholders gather to discuss how trolleybuses play a key role in low-carbon mobility in the public transport arena. This year Parma hosted the event in their historic city center to analyse current European trends in the field. The day was dedicated to enhancing synergies of related EU projects. Read more...
LOW-CARB represented by Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság (SZKT) together with start-up companies GYEEK Club and SzegedBoost hosted a 5-day Hackathon competition. Eight teams went up against each other to create innovative ideas and business models to deal with social issues in Szeged, including improving air quality from transport emissions! Read more...
Two GIS trainings City of Brno and mobility stakeholders were held on the 17th and 21st of January 2019. The aim of these trainings was to introduce and demonstrate how to use the SUMP Monitoring Tool which is an app developed by City of Brno, and is their main output for the LOW-CARB project. Read more...
Find out what Ronald Juhrs, Managing Director of Technology & Operations at LVB, Leipzig’s public transport company, has to say about the city’s new ‘2030 Strategy‘ and its forth- coming LOW-CARB action plan. We also asked him to share his views on the project at this midway stage...
Szeged was recognized by jurors of the CIVITAS Initiative for its contribution in realizing sustainable urban mobility based on long-lasting innovative measures recently when it received the CIVITAS ‘Legacy’ Award. Their story tells the 15 year long efforts of how Szeged has implemented various mobility solutions and neighborhood regeneration that helped snag this prestigious prize! Read more...
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In July, Parma’s TEP brought the first Chinese-manufactured e-bus to EU roads to test its energy consumption & recharging times under different conditions (empty, with air-conditioning, etc). During the EU MOBILITY WEEK, Parma’s citizens were invited to share their experiences and views. The results of the Line 8 tests, which connects the city’s eastern suburbs, are already feeding into an action plan for PT e-services and multipurpose charging infrastructure (expected completion: May 2020).
The end result? Seamless multi-modal local zero-emission mobility in Parma!
During 15 - 17th October LOW -CARB together with the Cities Partnership Initiative (PIM) hosted low carbon-mobility planners in Skawina, Poland to demonstrate the different types of e-mobility approaches that different types of towns and cities can use to meet their low carbon mobility goals. Twenty one workshops will be held during LOW-CARB to foster such knowledge exchange. Read more...
SPECIAL FEATURE: Stadt Leipzig has adopted a new strategy to tackle its growing population crisis, seeking to guarantee: ‘Mobility [that] is safe, reliable, clean, affordable and should ensure that every population group has the opportunity to participate in.’ On 27 September 2018 the strategy was welcomed by the city council - unanimously!Read more...
SPECIAL FEATURE: With participation at the EU Mobility Week reaching record levels for a third straight year, LOW-CARB played its part from September 16th - 22nd! All partners held specific activities and measures, with Leipzig leading the way. Consultations helped identify future public transport investments and improvements for dynamic economic areas. Read more...
Is your town, city or region interested in advancing its low-carbon mobility? Is a SUMP / a low-carbon mobility plan or another pilot measure already being developed wrt. low-carbon mobility in CE? LOW-CARB invites interested parties to its "Follower Cities Program" who will benefit from knowledge transfer, capacity building activities, & a grant. Read more...
LOW-CARB was present at the 5th EU Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, organized by the European Commission and held in in Nicosia, Cyprus, on May 14th and 15th, 2018 (presentations available). But it doesn't stop there! We will also be at the CIVITAS Forum Conference on September 19th-21st in Umeå, Sweden, which deals with topics of sustainable urban mobility & pioneering solutions for cleaner EU transport. On November 22nd-23rd, we will also be in Manchester, UK, for the Annual Polis Conference, focused on transport innovation for sustainable cities and regions. So, come and join us!
Szeged (south Hungary) is currently involved in two major EU projects focussing on mobility issues incl. building a data-driven, responsive transport system based on multi-institutional cooperation. As part of LOW CARB, Szeged Transport Company will develop a CO2 Trip Calculator and company travel plans. After recently signing LOW-CARB's Declaration, the Vice Mayor tells us its mobility horizons in in this interview.
Luka Mladenovič, researcher at the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, joined LOW-CARB's board of advisers to share insights and recommendations to help better realize the project’s objectives with his substantial experience. Find out how he is directly involved with encouraging Slovenian municipalities’ to develop SUMPs. Read more...
A series of learning activities for mobility practitioners kicks off across Central Europe in 2018. Workshops and webinars to improve skills & foster knowledge exchange between authorities and provide insights into novel best-practices. Participants' input will be contribute to the development of LOW-CARB’s project’s outcomes. Read more...
Antonio Rizzi (the president of Parma's TEP) and Ronald Juhrs (Managing Director of Technology & Operations at Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe) put pen to paper as the first signatories of LOW-CARB's Declaration in DEC 2017, which heralds their commitment to increase the use of public transport and inducts them to the LOW-CARB ‘Hall of Fame’. See full list and goals...
Antonio Rizzi president of the local transport authority TEP, oversees public transportation in the PARMA province of Italy serving 33 million passengers annually. Knowing the full extent of the work involved in achieving TEP’s goals, we discuss the recent signing of the LOW-CARB Declaration and TEP’s vision of how Parma will go about reducing its transportbon emissions.
Read the full interview here...
LOW-CARB's project management team spent the last two months of the year doing site visits and engaging with partners to monitor, assess, and assist their ongoing activities. Find out what project partners Skawina, Brno, Szeged, Koprivnica, and Parma have been getting up to. Read more...
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June 21st, the European summer solstice, marked the launch of LOW-CARB. Project Partners were hosted by Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe in the hometown of the lead partner, and besides running through the project's key outputs, they enjoyed a city site visit via the city's new 'XL' tram.
LOW-CARB puts the organisation of low-carbon public transport at the forefront of reducing GHG emissions, combined with new mobility offers like bike-sharing (supported by solar-powered e-bike charging stations), public transport e-feeder service) or multimodal information services (incl. MaaS) to encourage shared mobility.
From June 1st, 2017 until May 31st 2020, eleven partners will implement a EUR 2.7m Interreg Central Europe project to build capacity for integrated low-carbon mobility planning in different types of functional urban areas across CE. LOW-CARB will link and finance the implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and work towards institutional co-ordination and co-operation.