RUMOBIL aimed to support transnational cooperation between public authorities and their transport entities. These are confronted with a similar challenge to respond to pressures on regional public transport systems caused by demographic change in peripheral areas. 
Working together in RUMOBIL provided them with a platform to exchange knowledge, to generate learning through launching pilot applications of state-of-the art tools and solutions, and to revise their transport policies to better suit changing mobility needs.

Main outputs of RUMOBIL therefore are pilot actions, the elaboration of a RUMOBIL strategy and policy-decisions to implement this strategy in the eight partner regions through an improvement of their transport plans. Pilot actions allowed testing a number of innovative applications during a period of 12 to 18 months how sparsely populated peripheral areas can be better linked to a primary, secondary or tertiary transport node (access to European and national passenger transport networks).

The transnational RUMOBIL strategy indicates to central Europe regions innovative and transferable public transport approaches - based on jointly analysed good practices, the combined knowledge of the partners and involved stakeholders, learning from the pilots, and fresh ideas put forward through a transnational social media-based competition. The strategies’ implementation across the partner regions was prepared through work papers focusing on different aspects of transport policies and forecasts how demand for public transport will develop in coming years. Finally, decisions to revise the transport plans in light of the RUMOBIL strategy were introduced to policy-makers. Communication activities led to political support for a change of transport policies and the strategy’s adoption beyond the partner areas. All outcomes were jointly assessed in site-visits, transnational workshops and a coordinated evaluation under the hospices of research institutions participating in RUMOBIL.

RUMOBIL in numbers




Work papers


Study trips


Pilot actions

Study Trips
