SYNERGY (“SYnergic Networking for innovativeness Enhancement of central european actoRs focused on hiGh-tech industrY”) aimed at strengthening underdeveloped linkages, cooperation and synergies between companies, industry, research, intermediaries and policy makers in Central Europe. The project analysed funded and finalized innovation projects and clustered institutions involved in projects into three Key Project Areas (KPAs) covering the most promising modern industrial technologies. These areas included Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing, Micro- and Nanotechnology-related Processes and Materials, as well as the Industry 4.0 sector.
Institutions and clusters included in each area formed "Synergic Networks" based on a novel projects assessment methodology and a "Synergic Consortia matchmaking" IT online tool. Moreover, the project defined new crowd innovation services that are available on the SYNERGY Crowd Innovation Platform and tested them in different types of pilot actions. As a result, the project activities boosted the creation of innovative services and facilitated transnational collaboration and cooperation between Central European actors from the high-tech industry. The SYNERGY project started in August 2017 and ended in October 2020.
Project End
Key Project’s Areas