Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding-related pilot action: Crowd innovation for companies (O.T4.6)
- The pilot action was the fourth of six pilot actions carried out simultaneously in all seven partner regions to test and introduce the new services on the SYNERGY platform for Crowd Innovation.
- The crowdsourcing- and crowdfunding-related pilot action “Crowd Innovation for Companies” was comprising of two parts:
- Collecting companies’ crowd innovation campaigns on the SYNERGY platform
- Matchmaking with possible solution providers from the crowd
- The main challenge was to identify potential participants for the pilot action. The project partners identified possible challenge givers (Les/SMEs/BSO) working on I4.0 projects, who needed support to achieve their projects’ results. Once these challenge givers had uploaded their challenges and request for competences/skills on the platform, solution providers (HE&R, researchers) could access them and offer their support to solve those challenges and established forms of collaboration. Collaboration was then formalized in a research plan explaining how the envisaged solution met the requirements established by the challenge.
- In addition to testing the recently published SYNERGY Platform, the main opportunity for research teams was to receive direct support from other interested researchers thus favoring regional and transnational forms of collaboration. The two best & most successful projects were awarded a voucher to the value of €3000 each that could be used for different services like consultancy, training, business plans, market analysis, research ordering and a lot more (article winner Crowd Innovation for Companies pilot action).
- With this pilot we wanted to show the possibility offered by crowd innovation allowing organizations and individuals to create collaborations with previously unknown people also out of their regional or local networks and two new successful collaborations were created thanks to this pilot action. The pilot action showed that offering a reward to the participants increases interest and motivation to work on a long-term sustainable solutions.
- By including various interest groups from all partner regions, the pilot action had a transnational character. The reproducibility of the pilot action is given, the pilot action can be carried out well in this format in other partner regions or subject areas to increase the awareness on crowdsourcing-related initiatives.
- In the following we provide you with links to all relevant outputs and tools:
SYNERGY Platform Crowdsourcing Service

SYNERGY Crowd Innovation for Companies Pilot Action; Image Source: SYNERGY Project