SYNERGY Final Conference was held on 21st October 2020
The Final Conference that summarized the SYNERGY Project (“SYnergic Networking for innovativeness Enhancement of central european actoRs focused on hiGh-tech industrY”) was held on 21st October 2020 in a virtual meeting via the SYNERGY YouTube channel. The SYNERGY project has focused on improving sustainable linkages among different stakeholder target groups of the innovation systems to jointly strengthen the regional innovation capacities in Central Europe over the entire duration of the project.
The SYNERGY Final Conference provided excellent opportunities to share the knowledge of 3-year SYNERGY project experience. Various project partner contributions demonstrated how the SYNERGY project outcomes can be used by Central European stakeholders to build new cooperations with the SYNERGY Profiling Tool and the developed living Synergic Networks as a clustered pool of regional Innovation Actors. In addition, participants were introduced to the SYNERGY Crowd innovation Platform, which was developed on the basis of a user-oriented approach within the project, while being guided through the project's experience with the new possibilities of crowd financing for research, crowdsourcing for innovation and infrastructure sharing. The SYNERGY Crowd Innovation Strategy, also developed internally by the project team and made publicly available, was presented as a strategic approach to support Central European regions in the spread of crowd and open innovation initiatives. The Final Conference did not just focus on the project itself, but also suggested to participants how Central European regions can benefit from the SYNERGY project in the future. In this context, the SYNERGY team welcomed a guest speaker from the European Commission, Massimiliano Dragoni, DG CONNECT Senior Policy Officer (Digital Transformation, Start-up Ecosystems and Blockchain) to also share related aspects beyond the SYNERGY project.
The conference was very diverse with more than 100 participants from a wide range of target groups such as academia, industry, politics, business development and the general public from across Central Europe. A lively exchange between the project and the participants as well as networking opportunities was encouraged through question and answer sessions and interactive discussion rounds guided by the moderator.
In this context, we would like to thank all participants of the project for their participation in the final conference and for their support and active contributions to the project throughout its duration. The SYNERGY main outputs such as the SYNERGY Crowd Innovation Platform are still available beyond the project duration and we are looking forward to all subsequent activities and cooperations with interested stakeholders from the Central European regions.
Further insights on the SYNERGY Final Conference can be found on SYNERGY's social media channels. For all stakeholders who could not follow the conference live, the recording is available on the SYNERGY YouTube channel under the following link.

SYNERGY Final Video Conference; Image Source: SYNERGY Project