What is SENTINEL about?

From 2017 to 2020, 10 Central European partner organisations from 6 countries implemented a transnational project aimed at developing and testing tools and methods for helping social enterprises.

Increasing social segregation and disintegration, especially in rural areas, represent serious economic challenges for the countries of the Central European region. In these regions social enterprises, if they are helped by a supportive environment, can be real drivers of social inclusion and work integration. Based on a thorough needs analysis in partner countries, pilot actions were implemented in 5 countries, testing ways of incubating and mentoring social enterprises, and facilitating their networking. Stemming from the baseline studies, a Toolbox of support techniques for social businesses, tested and verified in pilot actions, and a Handbook on creating and managing social enterprise networks was compiled, in order to take these activities forward, strengthening social enterprises and reducing inequalities in disadvantaged regions. During SENTINEL the Transnational Social Enterprise Advocacy Network (SETAN) was also established, continuing the work started in the project. If you are interested in joining, you can find details here.

For more information on SENTINEL, please see the Final Brochure, refer to the documents below or contact Ms Eszter Mészáros at meszaros.eszter@maltai.hu


Transnational Social Enterprise Advocacy Network

SETAN is a network established in the framework of the SENTINEL project with the aim of promoting and strengthening the vision and role of social enterprises as key actors in social inclusion and work integration.

SETAN invites social enterprises, support organizations, networks, local authorities, education and research organisations, business organisations and individuals to join SETAN, and to collaborate to promote advocacy actions and to develop activities to support social enterprises.

Are you interested in joining? Please find more information here.

Statutory meeting of the Transnational Social Enterprise Advocacy Network.



Project video

This video is based on the partners’ Flagship Social Enterprise videos, presenting the main project results.


Final brochure

You find here the Final Brochure of SENTINEL. It contains the main outputs and results of the project.



5 pilot actions

52 social
enterprises involved

6 action plans

1 Transnational 
Social Enterprise

project duration

Start Date


End Date


Project Partners