With a better use of public funds and a more efficient energy planning.
PROSPECT2030 project focused on good governance as the key driver to unlock the energy transition towards a low-carbon economy. Seven regions across Europe were involved in the consortium: Eco Energyland (AT), Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT), Mazovia (PL), Piemonte (IT), Split-Dalmatia (HR), Saxony-Anhalt (DE), Southern Great Plain (HU), with the aim to promote a better use of public funds dedicated to low-carbon measures while drafting energy action plans in order to shape the energy transition in their regions.
The partnership started working on the assessment of how public funds have already been used and on the compilation of Regional Energy Reports. The organisation of several capacity building workshops and mutual learning sessions supported the exchange of knowledge and experiences and eased the development of a common methodological approach that guided the drafting of the Regional Energy Action Plan (REAP).
In the REAP each region identified its key energy priorities, related measures and target groups for energy transition and developed the scenarios to 2030 which included either economical, environmental and energy aspects.
We engaged 12 external partners for a replication activity to spread the project results and approach with the inclusion of all training materials in an online Training Package. The mutual learning provided access to a wide range of additional experiences further enriching the knowledge of the partnership. All the inputs coming from the different activities of the project were capitalised in the drafting of policy recommendations on the use of public funds for climate change mitigation at European, transnational, national and regional levels. These recommendations are addressing horizontal and thematic policy areas. Furthermore, the policy recommendations have been tailored to each Central Europe macro-regional strategy (EUSDR, EUSAIR, EUSBSR, EUSALP) in order to influence key decision makers.
#goodgovernance #lowcarbon #energytransition #sustainableregions
You can find here all the mutual learning and capacity building materials developed and prepared by the project: explore the 7 topics, download presentations and watch the video registrations.
For each topic we have prepared a video-introduction!
In order to tackle the climate emergency, we are facing a big challenge: it is called energy transition. Thanks to inspiring words & splendid outdoor footage from our 7 regions, we understand why acceptance, commitment and engagement are the key words!
Last week we presented our PROSPECTives to 2030 to more than 60 participants! We reflected on the lessons learnt from the current EU programming period, presented insights from our targer regions and looked at a functional approach to energy transition planning and at the role of renewable energy communities to foster the energy transition.
This section contains the main outputs of the project:
We have been transferring good practices and recommendations on energy planning with a new training course: have a look at the workhops organized between March and May 2021 targeted to Replicant Partners and open to the public.
Go the worshops agendas
million erdf
regional energy
action plans
online training