Phase 1 - Thematic Work Package 1

Diagnostic Phase

The natural capital is a key asset for Central Europe. CEETO focuses on Protected Areas because they are both rich in biodiversity and are sites of intense human activity. As PAs are the backbone of current and future Natura 2000 network, they are also the most appropriate areas for developing tools aimed at supporting a successful implementation of EU environmental policies.

T1 is organized in 2 parallel sessions: the first session of Phase 1 carries out a diagnostic on most innovative and successful policies/tools currently in practice for tourism management inside natural PAs in EU and worldwide. In the second session each Project Partner implementing pilot actions in Phase 2 carries out a site-specific analysis on the Protected Areas involved in the pilot in order to better focus/target each single pilot action on the needs, peculiarities and hotspots identified.


1.1. Analysis on current sustainability policies applied to tourism management inside Protected Areas in Europe.
1.2. Inventory of existing planning, management and monitoring tools for a sustainable tourism within Protected Areas at EU and international level and identification of most successful case-studies worldwide.
1.3. Analysis of the local needs of the Protected Areas and outline of tourism-related hotspots and priorities to be addressed in pilot actions.
1.4. Report on the potential socio-economic benefits in applying a sustainable approach to tourism management in Protected Areas (structured interviews with relevant target groups in each CEETO partnering country).

Project partners involvement

  • NIMFEA is the Phase 1 coordinator and Activities 1.1 and 1.2.
  • CEETO Project Partners who are not implementing pilot actions will collect data at national and regional level to obtain the most complete and inclusive sets of information.
  • Project Partners involved in pilot actions will develop the activities develop activities 1.3 and 1.4.


Handbook of successful and innovative practices for a sustainable tourism inside Protected Areas.

This Handbook is a knowledge basis that gathers and transfers success stories, summarizes existing management and monitoring tools, best practices and lessons learned identified along the implementation of the European Charter for sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. It also compiles other success stories of sustainable tourism practice worldwide and it is, together with the "Inventory of planning, management, monitoring tools and success stories for sustainable tourism in Protected Areas", the baseline for the implementation of CEETO project Phase 2, or Testing Phase.

The document is a useful and motivating tool that shall be used by all Protected Area managers regardless their management and operational capacity, their geographical location or their environmental, social and economic aspects. Below you can download the "Handbook of succesful and innovative practices for a sustainable tourism in Protected Areas" in five difrerent languages.


Download CEETO Handbook in English. 

CEETO Handbook Sustainable Tourism - German version

Download CEETO Handbook in German.     

CEETO Handbook Sustainable Tourism - Hungarian version

Download CEETO Handbook in Hungarian.


Download CEETO Handbook in Italian


Download CEETO Handbook in Slovenian.


Download CEETO Handbook in Croatian

Inventory of planning, management, monitoring tools and success stories for sustainable tourism in Protected Areas

This Inventory is a collection of the existing planning, management and monitoring tools that are being implemented to manage tourism sustainably in different Protected Areas in Europe. It also comprehends some of the most succesful case studies and stories from around the world related with sustainable tourism management. This product also serves as a basis for the implementation of CEETO project Phase 2, or Testing Phase. Below you can download a copy in English of the "Inventory of planning/management/monitoring tools and success stories for sustainable tourism in Protected Areas".


Download CEETO Inventory in English.