Capacity building of social entrepreneurs and altru-preneurs
- Output O.T3.1 coaching material about strategic use of ICT and communication tools (pdf 0.6 MB)
- D.T3.1.2. Coaching material about fundraising,managing risk, sustainability strategies (pdf 3.8 MB)
- Output O.T3.2 - Coaching material about strategic use of ICT and communication tools (pdf 1.8 MB)
- D.T3.1.1. Coaching material about innovation processes (pdf 1.8 MB)
- Output O.T3.1 - Coaching material and tools for altruistic entrepreneurs (as mentors) and adaptation - Module 3 (pdf 4.9 MB)
- D.T3.2.1 - Preparation of coaching-material - altrupreneurs as mentors (pdf 0.6 MB)
- Output O.T3.1 - Coaching material about fundraising, managing risk, sustainability strategies - Coaching material about fundraising (pdf 0.4 MB)
- Output O.T3.1 - Coaching material and tools for altruistic entrepreneurs as mentors - Module 1 (pdf 2.8 MB)
- Output O.T3.1 - Coaching material about fundraising, managing risk, sustainability strategies - managing risk - sustainability strategies (pdf 0.4 MB)
- D.T3.1.3 Preparation of coaching material about strategic use of ICT and communication tools (pdf 1.8 MB)
- O.T3.2 - Fundraising and managing risk (O.T3.1 - Coaching material about fundraising and managing risk.pdf, pdf 0.8 MB)
- O.T3.1 Coaching material and tools for altruistic entrepreneurs (as mentors) and adaptation - Module 4 (pdf 1.9 MB)
- Output O.T3.1 - Coaching materials about innovation processes (pdf 3.6 MB)
- Output O.T3.1 - Coaching material and tools for altruistic entrepreneurs (as mentors) and adaptation - Module 2 (pdf 2.9 MB)
- Output O.T3.2 - Fundraising and managing risk (pdf 2.2 MB)
- D.T4.3.3 - Policy-Recommendations (pdf 0.3 MB)