Testing of real-life environment use of gluten free-offer in restaurants

Hungarian celiac society – PP9 - HCS

 Our pilot project will:

Create a list of the restaurants where a coeliac patient can eat safe gluten-free food.

Prepare an educative/information booklet for restaurants. In this printed booklet we will collect and publish all kind of medical, legal, technological, food safety/security knowledge and practical advises for preparing gluten-free meals, including the safe and critical raw materials of each food groups.

Organize training of restaurant owners and staff. The training includes the updated regulations, the food safety measurements, especially the prevention of gluten-contamination, the safe and risky food categories, etc. The trainings are organised either centrally, invited staff members of restaurants of a city/region or in a restaurant for all staff members (owner, chefs, cooks, waiters, etc.).

Organize education program for school children of specialized courses for hospitality sector (chefs, cooks, waiters, confectioners, caterers, etc.). Usually the allergen management is not an important part of their education and gluten-free food preparation is the most stringent of all, including the crucial rules for preventing the possible cross-contamination with gluten-containing materials.

Organize training for volunteers who will be the ‘contact persons’ in the future to the restaurants. They will visit the site regularly and help the restaurant’ staff members if necessary, answer any questions and inform our team leader about the problems. They will look for further restaurants, which could be involved into our program later.

 Organize stakeholder meetings, where all interesting parties will have an ideal platform to discuss important details


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