An energy management system has been developed in seven pilot buildings, including real energy consumption measurements available on a dashboard, which collects all data from the installed measuring devices. PP MAE also used in these buildings the available tools developed under the TARGET-CE project :EPC Living Tool from the eCentral project and 3DEMS from the BOOSTEE-CE project.
For the pilot buildings of the WEIZ campus, a visualization and data recording of the energy flows in public buildings was implemented.
Furthermore, an energy platform will be created which collects energy data in order to create a central point for energy planning in the City of Weiz in order to better identify problem areas and/or potential. This platform can also serve as a template for other municipalities, the contents of energy planning are similar everywhere.
To improve the energy performance of buildings, awareness and behavioural change is fundamental - starting from the new generations. Bassa Romagna relies on six schools of the territory and involves more than 300 students in the measurement and monitoring of school's electricity and heat consumption inside their Energy Labs.
On Tuesday 7.12.2021 was a fun day at Primary school Nazarje (SI).
Within the TARGET project projectpartner KSSENA have organized several interactive workshops in order to promote the Energy@school app and to raise awareness on energy efficient use in school. They closed with an internal competition a very fruitful day, full of knowledge and new experinces.
Project partner Europejskie Ugrupowanie Współpracy Terytorialnej NOVUM z o.o. organized a Focus group meeting on 3rd December 2021.
During the meeting, the capitalized tools from previous Interreg CE and H2020 projects were introduced. In the meeting the representatives of Polish and Czech municipalities took part.
All Partner present their progress of the capitalization work of 5 previously funded Interreg-CE projects, 2 H2020 and 1 Interreg-Europe project. On the second day a thematic workshop "train the trainer" with 3 topics was held. In addition to the 3D EMS tool (BOOSTEE-CE), the partners also presented the tools from eCentral, Energy@School and CitiEnGov.
The aim was to explain the general idea behind the TARGET-CE project, which is the capitalization of 8 past project solutions in specific pilot areas. That is why the ongoing activities in pilot area Municipality Nazarje was represented in detail. After the presentations an open discussions has taken place, regarding the possibilities of implementation of EE and RES solutions in different areas.
On 13th of September PP SIPRO involved different representatives of the Municipality and the Province of Ferrara in order to describe the state of art of the TARGET-CE pilots activities in Ferrara and to discuss on energy efficiency related issues and future activities for the capitalization of the Target-CE results in the next programming period
Aim was the presentation of TARGET-CE project activities, first results and next steps in project activities, the possibilities for the energy refurbishment and adaption of the Pilot building. The presentation of existing situation and discussion with users about possibilities of financing the renovation and possibility of putting the facility into full use and the simulation of using the facility at full capacity.
Overview of the TARGET-CE project for municipal councilors: Summary of the activities foreseen by the pilot action, presentation of the 25 pilot buildings in which E@S, BOOSTE-CE and GreenSoul will be tested.
Presentation of the results of the survey administered to the employees of the "Il Carmine" pilot building.
Presentation of new features of the tool E@S which has been adapted to the needs of TARGET-CE.
The Energy and Innovation Center of Weiz hosted the partner meeting, which was held in hybrid. EUWT Novum, MAE (PL), FBK (IT), KSSENA (SI) and WEIZ (AT) were personally present, the remaining partners were connected online. All partners present their progress and the following activities on the first day. Second day was used for a midterm review by the administrative authority.
Succeeding Coffee with Mayors organized by our partner Europejskie Ugrupowanie Współpracy Terytorialnej NOVUM z o.o. on 11th June 2021.
Talks Best practices in the field of energy efficiency - on the example of selected municipalities from Poland and the Czech Republic.
Most important results:Coordination on further energy- and environment-related planning for Weiz, especially data collection for the pilot Weiz (Boostee-CE), for which a platform for common data collection and storage of non-personal data with import and export function shall be created. A specification of the W.E.I.Z. was presented.
The aim is to monitor behavioral changes of Bassa Romagna employees before and after the communication and awareness campaign on energy use that is going to start in the next months. The survey’s outcome shows interesting considerations on individuals, team, and institution
perception on energy saving.
2nd of February 2021-> Online project meeting to discuss ongoing and future activities for the capitalization of BOOSTEE-CE, Energy@School, @eCentralproject, Feedschool, @CitiEnGov, GreenSoul, @InterregEmpower
and PANEL2050 and their deployment in 7 pilot areas (
There were events in Weiz (AT) on the 8th of July, in Jelania Gora (PL) on the 8th of October and an online event on the 20th of November for the 9 Municipalities associated to the Union of Bassa Romagna Municipalities.
On all events the technicians and the councillors for environment and public works are involved. Planned tools were presented and discussed with the participants.
We have successfully and safely realised our 2nd project meeting in the beautiful by-the-lake Riva del Garda (Italy).
WP activities were deeply discussed in order to accomplish the capitalisation aims and deploy innovative Energy Efficiency tools, roadmaps, strategies and best practices in 7 new pilot areas.
advance notice
We are ready for our physical project meeting, after many virtual reunions.
We will discuss the on-going activities and planned #capitalisation tasks (BOOSTEE-CE, Energy@School, eCentral project, Feedschool, CitiEnGov project, GreenSoul, @Interreg Empower, PANEL2050).
Interreg Central Europe
The aim of this QUESTIONNAIRE is to collect information, needs and wishes from local and national stakeholders for better adjusting and tailoring past outcomes in the EE sector and capitalize these solutions in new pilot areas.
Take part in the survey now!
All partners participated and present outputs and demonstration outputs of their past projects: Energy@School, eCentral, FeedSchools, CityEnGov, Greensoul, PANEL2050 and EMPOWER to explain the technical solutions coming from the past projects in order to better understand how these solutions could be adapted and deployed in the Pilot Actions within the TARGET CE project.
A successful (virtual) kick-off for the Interreg TARGET-CE project, with more than 20 people joining the meeting. The project will collect, adjust and deploy ICT tools, financial models, action plans and training materials in the field of energyefficiency to local and regional administrations. TARGET-CE aims to become an energy efficiency flagship in central European region, offering new solutions for public buildings on a unique web platform.