SMACKER project webinar


"The role of on-demand transport for the accessibility of the territory"

On 16/7/20 aMo has participated to an event where RegiaMobil was presented. The event (a webinar) was performed as a dissemination activity for the Interreg Project SMACKER . The title of the webinar was “The role of on-demand transport for the accessibility of the territory" and was done in collaboration with the Order of the engineers of Bologna and SRM that is the Agency for public transport in the province of Bologna. Over 180 people attended the webinar, mostly transport engineers. The title of the presentation of aMo was “Flexible LPT services inthe Modena area developed in the European Projects RUMOBIL, YOUMOBIL and RegiaMobil” and the experience of aMo about the DRT services in general and inside the three European projects was presented.