RAINMAN-Toolbox is officially launched!
The RAINMAN-Toolbox is now online in English language at https://rainmantoolbox.eu and in German language at https://rainman-toolbox.eu/de/. Other language versions will be available soon.
The RAINMAN partnership celebrated the launching of the toolbox in an online meeting. Also Lubor Jusko as representative of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Joint Secretariat participated in the countdown and joint ceremonial opening of the toolbox. He pressed the (virtual) button for the launch of the RAINMAN-Toolbox and congratulated the RAINMAN partnership on a successful project.
This great milestone in the RAINMAN project was accompanied by a final partner and steering committee meeting to complete a few formal issues and to have a joint review on the project.
The online meeting was a great success and once again demonstrated the interest of all partner institutions and the fun of working together!