The project name MaC Village means “make creative villages” and was set up to launch innovations that benefit regional development in rural areas with an easy-to-use methodological and cooperation concept.
In MaC Village, everything revolves around getting innovations off the ground using simple methods and what is available in the region. For this, local and regional entrepreneurs as well as creative people (CCIs) from the region and the urban environment are invited to participated in three stage workshops. MaC Village is addressed to regional developers, mayors and innovation trainers who have an interest in getting new things off the ground in rural areas.
The pilot process tested in MaC Village started with high engagement and was caught by the pandemic events around Covid-19. As a result, the initially planned workshop series had to be adapted, new digital formats introduced, and the project participants taken along the changed path.
The project partners active in MaC Village from different European countries Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Austria and Germany, worked closely together to overcome this challenge.
At the end of the innovation process the pilot project ideas provide new impulses for the innovative regional development of rural areas through cooperation with actors from the CCIs. The project ideas are presented ain section Outputs.
The MaC Village recipe:
Regional CCI potential
Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI) potential and resources were assessed in all partners regions. After the starting phase the workshops took place in the pilot villages with CCI entrepreneurs and local stakeholders. The workshops were planned as interactive process. In total 9 workshops per region and 18 new products or services was developed. Read more about project results in section OUTPUTS.
Photo by Wim van 't Einde on Unsplash
Methodology to initiate cooperation and innovations between CCI and locals.
The frugal innovation methodology was used to prepare a handbook that provides a tool to initiate the cooperation with CCI enterprises and to develop innovations based on the cultural resources. The method was tested on pilot villages and adapted accordingly.
Photo by Unknown author and licensed under the name CC BY-SA-NC
In a village, seeds have always been sown and fruits harvested. In a MaC Village, creativity is sown, innovation is harvested and the village is
The project MaC Village handbook has been crated for local stakeholder planning to bring innovation into regional development in rural areas with an easy to use methodological and cooperation concept.
Readers who would like more information about innovation process can cheek the methodology video: Interreg CE MacVillage overall video
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