Improvement of diagnostic of atypical celiac disease patients

Institute for Maternal and Child Health-IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste Italy  - PP7 – Burlo Garofolo

Pilot project addresses a series of points regarding the improvement of diagnostic techniques of celiac disease.

The present Pilot project addresses a series of points regarding the improvement of diagnostic techniques of celiac disease (CD) in all its clinical and biological forms of presentation in the daily clinical practice. The aim of this project is also to disseminate these innovative methods of both diagnosis and treatment of CD, among the hospital clinical units of the CD-diagnosis and the general practitioners and family paediatricians of the region. 

Furthermore, these methodologies will be shared among the clinical partners of this European project. These activities will be implemented through training sessions and congress with medical doctors and other professionals involved in celiac care as nutritionists, psychologists and nurses.

In this activity of promoting the CD-knowledge, the associations of CD-subjects and their families are involved as well as associations of subjects with diseases often associated with CD such as type 1 diabetes. Up to now, the dissemination of knowledge and best diagnostic practices of celiac disease has been carried out through 4 meetings with doctors, nutritionists and psychologists of our region, 2 meetings with the societies of subjects with celiac disease and their families (see attachments) and the use of social media (

In addition, the innovative medical activity on the diagnosis of celiac disease was recently published in the journal Gastrointestinal Endoscopy ( where new CD-diagnostic procedures among children are proposed.   

22th June 2018, Gorizia (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Italy) at the Italian Association of Celiac Disease (AIC) meeting: “Gluten Free Festival: cooking without gluten”

Read the related output


31th May 2018, Trieste , Institute for Maternal and Child Health-IRCCS Burlo Garofolo 

The meeting was organized as a training events for young pediatricians, nutritionists, food technologists and researcher. A new protocol of diagnosis of celiac disease for subjects with low serum positive values of anti-transglutaminase antibody has been presented and discussed.


 23rd February 2017 – City Hospital Udine (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Italy)

The participation of 15 doctors from 7 different hospitals of our region will allow us to involve other doctors in filling in the proposed questionnaire and to critically evaluate the diagnostic practices of celiac disease.


13th December 2016 - Trieste Institute for Maternal and Child Health-IRCCS Burlo Garofolo

The meeting was organized as a training events for young pediatricians, nutritionists, food technologists and psychologists. Seminars included information on Celiac Disease, Diabetes, dietary requirements.