The main objective of PROLINE-CE is the improved protection of drinking water resources as well as protection against floods/droughts in an integrated land use management approach. This encompasses

  • jointly developed methods and strategies towards an integrated and efficient approach of water management and proposed measures to adapt existing practices;
  • minimized conflicts between drinking water resources protection and land use activities;
  • integrated land-use management and a developed implementation strategy for effectively harmonized environmental standards in drinking water recharge areas to improve water- and soil quality and reduce flood/drought risks - tailored to different regional environment- and policy conditions (via pilot actions);
  • extended cooperation networks and knowledge exchange between partner regions, sector players and different decision makers on policy level to minimize still existing knowledge gaps concerning integrated water- and land-use management, interdependency cycles environment-flood/drought and flood/drought prevention in CE region; and
  • improved effectiveness and sustainable use of capacities as well as efficient organisational structures of land use management and drinking water protection.


Previous project cooperations were focusing on land-use conflicts, climate change, water resources protection and ecosystem services. PROLINE-CE´s innovative approach will be:

  • Synopsis of comprehensive experiences gained within previous projects and studies as a basis for determination of sustainable land use and best management practices for drinking water supply;
  • Operationalization of best practice strategies in different pilot actions, clustered on a transnational scale by their thematic and geographic scope;
  • Common methodology and vision for integrated water management as an overall frame for the implementation of best practices resulting in “GOWARE” (Guide towards Optimal WAter REgime);
  • Transfer of PROLINE-CE results to policy level by means of DriFLU Charta, a joint declaration act signed by notable representatives; and
  • Capacity building inside and outside of the programme area via several events and feedback loops for stakeholders with the possibility of public participation as well as different communication measures tailored to the needs of diverse target groups. The structured stakeholder involvement process will support the development of networks beyond the borders of disciplines, regions and countries.