Several territorial challenges in central European countries ask for adapted and target-oriented land-use activities concerning protection of water resources, balancing conflicts of land use pressure on water, and adaptation to climate change issues despite uncertain prognoses. A function-oriented and land-use based spatial management for drinking water protection is strongly required. However, existing best practices have not yet been successfully applied. The main objective of PROLINE-CE is to improve the protection of drinking water resources as well as protecting regions against floods and droughts in an integrated land use management approach. Existing strategies and management plans will be implemented to create improved organisational structures and increase the effectiveness of land-use management.  

Besides intensive stakeholder engagement and feedback loops on national and transnational level, visibility of actions will be enhanced by a declaration charta, in order to bundle efforts towards efficiently and effectively implemented management practices targeting drinking water protection. The partnership is composed of both policy support and policy implementation representatives and thus management options for the challenging project topics will be applicable. PROLINE-CE provides cost efficient management methods and ensures dissemination regarding land use and drinking water protection management on a macroregional scale all over the CENTRAL EUROPE programme area.
