The pilot project in the South Bohemian Region aims to revise and expand the existing system of bus tourist lines in the public service obligation of the South Bohemia region, which has been gradually developed since 2019.

The existing system is divided into winter bus lines enabling ski transport and connecting district towns with mountain resorts in regions border and a system of summer bus lines enabling the transport of bicycles, which connects especially the capital of the region with tourist attractive localities.

As part of the RegiaMobil project, we will strive for a meaningful expansion of this system, which will connect all major cities in the region and provide tourist transport services in previously unattended tourist destinations in the region, which will help relieve congested areas and bring great potential for local economy.

Bus lines will be designed not only for tourists, but also for local residents of the region, where they will serve as a supplement to the basic transport services of the region, which is insufficient, especially during weekends and summer holidays. 

The main idea of the lines is to ensure the connection to the backbone system of the railway line (TEN-T network) between Linz, Austria and the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, at the same time emphasis will be placed on creating other interconnections not only at intermodal points.