Skuhna - world quisine for Slovenian people

Skuhna is a social company that operates restaurants providing authentic food from Africa, Asia, and South America. The goal of the »Skuhna« is to increase the employability of migrants through culinary work and to bridge the understanding gap between the culture of migrants and Slovenian people.

The Skuhna project…
The Skuhna was a simple project idea of introducing world cuisine to Slovenian people prepared by migrants, by Teja Kuk (Global Institute) and Max Zimani. The project received a subsidy from the Ministry of labor and social affairs in 2012, to promote the development of social entrepreneurship in Slovenia. Financial support enabled the launch of the “Skuhna” project – catering services and in May 2014 a restaurant was opened in Ljubljana, whose chef is Om Raj from India.

The Skuhna today…
Today “Skuhna” is offering migrants opportunities to enter the Slovenian job market. Every day of the week “Skuhna” is offering cuisine from different countries. People can taste and learn about cuisines from India, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Philippines, Argentina, Bangladesh, Morocco, Kenya, Algeria, Cuba, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Nigeria, Egypt, Senegal, and Gambia. Besides offering unique culinary experience, “Skuhna” is also organizing Friday night dinners with live music, where people can listen to migrant musicians and get to know more about their culture, see the open Kitchen, debates, cooking classes, breakfasts, and cultural events. 
Slika, ki vsebuje besede oseba, moški, notranji, hrana

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