46th IAH Congress in Malaga
Last days boDEREC-CE representatives form University of Ljubljana and Technical University of Munich, among 768 delegates from more than 80 countries of the 5 continents, were present on annual meeting of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH).
IAH mission is to lead international society for the science and practice of hydrogeology and to be a globally recognised information source and facilitator for the transfer of groundwater knowledge. We endeavour to raise awareness of groundwater issues and work with national and international agencies to promote the use of groundwater to ensure ready access to safe drinking water. IAH also promotes the protection of aquifers against pollution, the improvement of aquifer storage and the management of groundwater resources to assure the sustainability of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. (IAH Mission, www.iah.org).
- Project Team from University of Ljubljana (PP06) presented boDEREC-CE first results and Slovenian Pilot Action Area. Very interested work was summarized in the abstract, available on the Congress website.
Also partners from TU Munich (PP08) presented the approach to modeling of hydrological conditions in karstic aquifers in Waidhofen/Ybbs case study which is Austrian Pilots Action Area. Abstract is also available on IAH Congress website.
Both presentations were attracted wide interest.