Behind the Scenes:
Gesundheitsforen Leipzig GmbH
Leipzig, 14th February 2018
Partnerinterview with Nicole Schuldt, Beatrice Blankschein and Danny Franke
Who are you as institution? Tell us about your work.
With a network including over 15.000 contacts our aim is to connect the players in healthcare industry and politics. The promotion and the sustainably transfer of knowledge between the players in the industry is one of our first concerns. This is why we initiate, organize and moderate more than 30 different events like conferences, workshops and working groups. There we discuss with our participants and project partners current developments in the healthcare sector and promote innovative ideas.
Furthermore we are a leading provider of business intelligence and analytics solutions. By working in interdisciplinary teams we develop and implement practical solutions for the management of health insurance companies, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies focusing consulting, software development or data analysis.
Last but not least we are also engaged in research.
What is your institution doing in the field of digital integrated healthcare?
We are bringing together the players of the German healthcare – including private and public health insurance, politics, (medical) service providers, research institutions, startups, etc. – to overcome the grown boarders between the different health sectors (doctors, hospitals, health insurance companies) as well as bringing together providers and demanders with the focus on digital integrated healthcare.Furthermore we help young businesses like startups to access the health market and collaborate with the well established players.
In addition to it, you know, we develop various special software for the players in the German healthcare market, f. e. medical registers or analytic tools. Beyond the German market we also have international project experience e.g. by developing a secure high performance Health Cloud for Swansea University (UK).
In the next months we are going to publish a study, we have executed with Fraunhofer Institut (IMW) and Leipzig University, that purports trends in digitalization in the German health insurance.
What is your role in digitalLIFE4CE?
Through our national and international experience the Gesundheitsforen are the networking partner in the project. As such we are responsible for bringing together the different healthcare agents. In a broader sense we try to transfer our knowledge from Germany to Central Europe by finding, connecting and also initiating projects following similar aims.
Furthermore we participate in various working groups within the digitalLIFE4CE network, f. e. “Prevention and Promotion” and “Monitoring & Analytics for population-wide health trends”. We are not only bringing in our networking competence, but also our knowledge in software development or data analysis.
What is your motivation for being partner in this project?
As in any other country in Central Europe, Germany faces several challenges e. g. concerning demographic changes. To note one, there are more elderlies in need for medical supply, which can’t be guaranteed especially in rural areas. The digital transformation brings future-oriented technological developments, which may bring sustainable solutions to improve healthcare and in particular strengthen the competiveness in digital integrated healthcare. And there we are: ready to bring together everybody who is involved to find the best possible outcome. In this case it is all about making digital healthcare solutions accessible for the citizens of Central Europe and providing the best healthcare on the market.
Thank you very much for the interview.