best practice tool

Partner have conducted a best practices analysis investigation on international best practices on governance of Historic Built Areas and analysis "on-site" by visiting best practices in regions involved in the project (Slovakia, Austria and Italy). Best Practices have been selected and analyzed through parameters and a common sheet defined within the partnership. A Best Practice inventory has been developed. 

Partners then defined and developed a transfer tool to follow up and assess the transfer, useseful for monitoring, drawing conclusions and contributing to the finalization of transnational and local management policies. 

The transfer tool is a web application based on an .xls file, that evaluates critical factors and costs of the transferability of a best practice to another context combining different possibilities for the user:

The tool hosts a set of selected and targeted best practices and the user could inser data on an HBA; the transfer tool then selects some best practices and the user could go to the detailed sheet on the mentioned BP; the tool also hosts a set of informations about the user’s HBA, the user could insert data on the BP and the tool evaluates the compatibility between HBA and the BP.

 The transfer tool does not require specific ICT competences or sophisticated data; it only requires 3 preconditions:

  • Having in mind a specific HBA to be managed;
  • Having in mind some goals or opportunities to be implemented in that HBA;
  • Having a list of priorities that could drive the use of the tool.

Here you could find the Best Practice Inventory and the transfer tool (and a manual for its use that could be find also in the tool itself by downloading it).




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