Centre for coordination of integrational activities in Bor

P7: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (CZ)

Purpose of the establishment of the Centre is to promote the integration, motivate to integration (both foreigners and receiving society) and to mediate activities leading to integration of non-EU nationals.

Non-EU nationals have limited opportunity to gain information regarding the life outside of the factory and why/how become integral part of the local society. First step to deal with such problem is to mediate communication between these three parts and to promote the long-term positive effect of successful integration for each of them. This step will be followed by mediation of activities that can lead to successful integration. The range of such activities is wide, from individual assistance and advisory in legal and social problematics, through language and integration courses to organisation of leisure activities leading to discovery of the local culture and convergence with receiving society.


Communication between employers, municipalities and non-EU nationals concerning the topic of integration is insufficient. While municipalities lack the capacity and tools for support of integration, employers do not feel the social responsibility for negative side-effects of their economic growth and are not motivated to support their employees in such area.

Successful integration of non-EU nationals brings many significant opportunities, as they can become new impetus in the formerly depopulated area and cause development of public and social life. They also bring opportunity to fulfil economic potential of the area and contribute to its economic, social, and cultural development.


Innovativeness of the pilot activity inheres in the fact, that intended set of organised activities is usually not provided in the rural areas. Another aspect of the innovativeness lies in the overall attitude focusing on pro-active approach of target groups through the employers and inclusion of wide spectre of stakeholders, some of them active at the moment only on the level of region’s capital city - Pilsen. Contrary to typical approach providing services during fixed office-hours on one place, Centre will be approaching non-EU nationals through cooperation with employers and aims to persuade employers into support for integrational activities leading to win-win situation.


D.T2.2.2 - Pilot Action Concept - P7

D.T2.5.2 - Pilot Action Final Report - P7


  1. Town Bor -  www.npicr.cz/kontakty/krajske-pracoviste-plzen
  2. National pedagogical institute – Reginal branch Pilsen - www.npicr.cz/kontakty/krajske-pracoviste-plzen
  3.  Centre of Human resources of the Pilsen region
  4. Technical school Bor - www.ssbor.cz
  5. Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of Interior - www.suz.cz/en/
  6. Regional Development Agency of the Pilsen Region - www.rra-pk.cz/
  7. Career Info – Information and Education Centre of the Pilsen Region - www.infokariera.cz
  8. CTPark Bor - www.ctp.eu/industrial-warehouse-office-finder/czech-republic/ctpark-bor/