Second tranche of cooperation projects selected
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE will fund 50 new cooperation projects following the second call for proposals. Around 90 million Euro from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will be transferred to transnational project partnerships over coming years.
The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Member States have selected 50 project proposals for funding in a programme monitoring committee meeting in Prague on 16 March 2017. In total, 210 applications were submitted to the second call, all addressing regional challenges and needs in the fields of innovation, low-carbon economy, environment, culture and transport.
Together with 35 projects already funded following the first call, the programme will soon fund a total of 85 projects with around 160 million Euro from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
These figures show that the programme is fully on track for achieving important thematic performance milestones.
List of selected projects
The following list indicates acronyms and full titles of the project proposals which were selected for funding in the second call. A more detailed list of operations including short summaries will follow soon. Please note that while every care has been taken in compiling and publishing this list, errors or omissions may have happened. Lead applicants who submitted proposals to the second call will be officially informed about the selection results in a letter from the Joint Secretariat by Wednesday, 22 March 2017.
Priority 1: Cooperating on innovation to make CENTRAL EUROPE more competitive
AMiCE | Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe |
BIOCOMPACK-CE | Developing and strengthening cross-sectoral linkages among actors in sustainable biocomposite packaging innovation systems in a Central European circular economy |
digitalLIFE4CE | digitalLIFE4CE Fostering innovation in integrated healthcare systems solution |
ENTeR | Expert Network on Textile Recycling |
ENTER-transfer | Advancement of the economic and social innovation through the creation of the environment enabling business succession. |
InnoPeer AVM | PEER-to-peer network of INNOvation agencies and business schools developing a novel transnational qualification programme on AdVanced Manufacturing for the needs of Central European SME |
INTENT | UsIng guidelines and beNchmarking to Trigger social entrepreneurship solutions towards better patient-centred cancer care in cENTral Europe |
KETGATE | Central European SME Gateway to Key-enabling Technology |
ROSIE | Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe |
SENTINEL | Advancing and strengthening Social Enterprises to maximize their impact in the economic and social sector of Central European countries |
SMART_watch | Regional branch observatories of intelligent markets in Central Europe monitoring technology trends and market developments in the area of smart specializations |
Social(i)Makers | Growing a Transnational Smart Community of Social Innovators for the Inclusive Development of Central Europe |
SYNERGY | SYnergic Networking for innovativeness Enhancement of central european actoRs focused on hiGh-tech industrY |
INNO-WISEs | Technologies, Competences and Social Innovation for Work Integration Social Enterprises |
THINGS+ | Introducing service innovation into product-based manufacturing companies |
Priority 2: Cooperating on low-carbon strategies in CENTRAL EUROPE
BOOSTEE-CE | Boosting energy efficiency in Central European cities through smart energy management |
eCentral | Energy Efficient Public Buildings in Central Europe |
FEEDSCHOOLS | Financing Environment and Energy Efficiency development in Schools |
FIRECE | Innovative Financial Instruments for industry low carbon energy transition in Central Europe |
LAiRA | Landside Airports Accessibility |
LOW-CARB | Capacity building for integrated low-carbon mobility planning in functional urban areas |
REEF 2W | Increased renewable energy and energy efficiency by integrating, combining and empowering urban wastewater and organic waste management systems |
RURES | Promote the Sustainable Use of Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency in Rural Regions |
Priority 3: Cooperating on natural and cultural resources for sustainable growth in CENTRAL EUROPE
3Lynx | Population based (transnational) monitoring, management and stakeholder involvement for the Eurasian Lynx affecting 3 Lynx Populations in the Central Europe Area |
AIR TRITIA | Uniform Approach to the Air Pollution Management System for Functional Urban Areas in Tritia Region |
ARTISTIC | Valorization of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Assets for local sustainable development in CE Regions |
AWAIR | EnvironmentAl integrated, multilevel knoWledge and approaches to counteract critical AIR pollution events, improving vulnerable citizens quality of life in Central Europe Functional Urban Areas |
BhENEFIT | Built Heritage, Energy and Environmental-Friendly Integrated Tools for the Sustainable Management of Historic Urban Areas |
CEETO | Central Europe Eco-Tourism: tools for nature protection |
SlowFood-CE | Culture, Heritage, IdEntity and Food |
CIRCE | Expansion of the CIRcular Economy concept in the Central Europe local productive districts |
CULTURECOVERY | Protection and RECOVERY of immaterial CULTUural heritage of Central Europe through Ecomuseums, as driver of local growth |
FramWat | Framework for improving water balance and nutrient mitigation by applying small water retention measures |
HICAPS | HIstorical CAstle ParkS |
MaGICLandscapes | MaGICLandscapes - Managing Green Infrastructure in Central European Landscapes |
NewPilgrimAge | 21th century reinterpretation of the St. Martin related shared values and cultural heritage as a new driver for community-sourced hospitality |
ProteCHt2save | Risk assessment and sustainable protection of Cultural Heritage in changing environment |
RAINMAN | Integrated Heavy Rain Risk Management |
REFREsh | Rural rEvitalisation For cultuRal hEritage |
RUINS | Sustainable re-use, preservation and modern management of historical ruins in Central Europe - elaboration of integrated model and guidelines based on the synthesis of the best European experiences |
SURFACE | Smart Urban Reuse Flagship Alliances in Central Europe |
Virtual Arch | Visualize to Valorize For a better utilisation of hidden archaeological heritage in Central Europe |
Priority 4: Cooperating on transport to better connect CENTRAL EUROPE
CONNECT2CE | Improved rail connections and smart mobility in Central Europe |
PeripheralAccess | Transnational cooperation and partnership for better public transport in peripheral and cross-border regions |
SHAREPLACE | Shared mobility and Regional transport integrated PLAnning for a better connected Central Europe |
SubNodes | Connecting the hinterland via sub-nodes to the TEN-T core network |
TRANS-BORDERS | TEN-T passenger transport connections to border regions |
TalkNET | Transport and Logistics Stakeholders Network |
TRANS TRITIA | Improving coordination and planning of freight transport on Tritia territory |

New call under preparation
Following closure of the second call, the programme will now start preparing a third call for project proposals.
The new call will be launched at the upcoming annual conference taking place in Berlin on 21 September 2017. More details regarding the thematic focusing of the call will be discussed and decided by the Member States in their next monitoring committee meeting in June 2017. The closure date of the call will depend on the procedure, however, it will at least stay open until the end of the year.
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