Member States put new Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme on track
29 April 2022

The new Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme was officially approved as one of the first EU Cohesion Policy funding programmes on 23 March 2022. In the constituting meeting of the monitoring committee in Venice, Italy, on 28-29 April 2022, the programme countries confirmed all decisions taken by a working group in the programming phase and agreed on the next steps of programme implementation.
Prior decisions taken by the programming working group and now confirmed by the monitoring committee, include the programme manual, the application package and assessment methodology for the first call, as well as the report on formal and administrative checks of submitted first call project proposals. The multi-annual financial plan for the technical assistance core management budget was also approved.
The committee decided also on a timeline for the assessment and selection of first call project proposals. Following the full assessment of proposals, the funding decision for a first generation of new transnational projects in central Europe will be taken in mid-December 2022.
Basic principles of new technical assistance rules, the programme logo and the future approach to result capitalisation were also agreed by the committee. Last but not least, the programme countries discussed initial findings of the impact evaluation 2014-2020.
The next meeting of the monitoring committee will take place in Poland on 13-14 September 2022.