Meeting with the representatives of the Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority SA
Recently, due to the preparation of the Odra Waterway Development Program by the Szczecin-Swinoujscie Seaport Authority SA. The meeting started by welcoming the participants by Ms. Dorota Dybkowska-Stefek, the Head of the Waterway Office, who briefly presented the information about the Port and the activities undertaken. The new planned Silesian Canal and the Polish part of Danube-Oder-Elbe Inland Waterway was stressed to be the important connection to the Odra Inland Waterway. Mr. Andrzej Szymborski, representative of the Leader Partner of the TRANS TRITIA Project
expressed his gratitude to the representative of the Port Authority for enabling a working meeting and outlined the assumptions an tasks of the project to those present as well as further steps related to it. Mr. Pave Santarius, representative of the leader of work package of the Actions Plans (Sdružení pro rozvoj Moravskoslezského kraje), familiarized the experts of the Port Authority with the current state of preparation of one of the deliverables, i.e. Action Plan for Logistic
Centres/Terminals on the TRITIA area until 2030 year. Other important topics that were brought up during the meeting were the potential river-ports on the Silesian Canal, importance of the ownership status of logistic centres and terminals.