Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Joint electronic monitoring system (Jems)
Version 2 | March 2022
General Remark
Please note that the information given about data protection refers to data of submitted project proposals only. Data of not submitted project proposals will not be processed and will be deleted after the closure of the respective call.
A. Data Protection Information pursuant to Article 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
1. Please note, that the personal data you have provided to us are processed for the following purpose: providing access to the Joint electronic monitoring system (Jems), assessing project application forms, awarding funds to selected projects, as well as implementing, managing, monitoring and evaluating the subsidy contracts, protecting the financial interests of the EU (notably for verifications and audits) and for communicating on the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme (Interreg CE) and its actions (projects and capitalisation platforms) and in general for the implementation, documentation and provision of information of the Interreg CE programme.
2. The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Managing Authority is entitled to process personal data, which are contained in the project application form and which are acquired by the organs and authorised representatives of the following bodies and authorities: national control bodies and bodies and authorities involved in audits carried out for the programme, European Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Court of Auditors (ECA) auditing bodies of the European Union and the City of Vienna, the Federal Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Austria or any other institution responsible for conducting audits or controls according to European Union´s or national laws. In addition, the Managing Authority is entitled to process such data and to share them with other programmes in order to implement their tasks linked to European anti-corruption policy and to make such data available to bodies and authorities for evaluation and monitoring purposes.
3. Legal basis:
- Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060
- Article 40 and 75 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060
- Article 49 of Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1060
- Article 69 of Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1060
- Article 72 to 76 of Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1060
- Article 57 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046
- Agreement between the Federation and the federal states pursuant to Article 15a Federal Constitutional Act (B-VG) on administrative and control systems in Austria to implement the operational programmes within the framework of the goal “Investments in employment g and growth within the Member States and regions“ and the goal “European territorial cooperation (Interreg)“ for the period 2021 – 2027, Federal Law Gazette BGBl. I No.143/2022 of 03 August 2022
- Contractual agreements with the project beneficiaries
- Article 6 (1) letter a and f of the General Data Protection Regulation
- Consent, if applicable
4. For this purpose, the personal data are transmitted to the following recipients:
- European Commission
- Auditing bodies of the European Union and the City of Vienna
- Control bodies of the funding bodies and/or private-sector control bodies commissioned by these bodies
- Evaluators as processors appointed by the respective programme authority and/or the European Commission
- Members of the respective programme monitoring committees and related national contact points
- European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
- Other EU funded programmes in order to implement tasks linked to European anti-corruption policy and to make such data available to bodies and authorities for evaluation and monitoring purposes
Data are not transmitted to third countries (countries which are not members of the European Union).
5. Data storage
In compliance with the legal requirement of Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1060 (Common Provision Regulation), your personal data relating to the EU-funded project Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE in the structural fund period 2021-2027 are deleted after the statutory retention period.
They may be archived by the Managing Authority outside of the Jems system for a longer period for statistical and historical purpose according to internal Implementation Acts.
6. Request information on personal data
You have a right to information concerning your own personal data, as well as a right for rectification or erasure, restriction of processing, or to lodge a complaint against processing.
Moreover, we draw your attention to the fact that - should you revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data until the end of the statutory retention period for the purpose of expenditure control - you will be denied the related funding. If you believe that your rights are not observed, or not fully observed, you may lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.
The provision of personal data is a legal requirement, if you are thereby claiming the disbursement of funds.
Providing personal data is required for the conclusion of a contract.
Failure to provide the data would have the following consequences for you:
A refusal to grant contractual consent to the processing of personal data and to obtaining such consent from all persons involved in the granted project for the purpose of verifying eligibility for funding would at any rate lead to the funding of personnel costs being denied. Dependent on the project structure, this may even include a revocation (cancellation) of the funding commitment.
Responsibility for processing:
- Vienna City Administration, Municipal Department MA 27 – European Affairs
- Email: post(at)
- phone: +43 (0)1 4000 27004
If you have any questions on data protection, please contact the data protection officer of the City of Vienna by e-mail: datenschutzbeauftragter(at)
Information is available also on the Internet at
B. Project Data Collection
1. Applicants and beneficiaries shall collect and process personal data required in the online forms, provided that they have informed the personnel whose personal data are collected and processed about the conditions of collection and process of those data according to the Jems terms of Service (by providing them with a copy of this Data Protection Information) before transmitting those data to the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat through the Jems.
2. In line with Article 49 (3) of the CPR, the MA is authorised to publish the following information:
- a) name of the LP and its PPs;
- b) name of the project;
- c) the project summary including project purposes and its expected achievements;
- d) abstract of progress reports with the project actual achievements;
- e) start date of the project;
- f) expected or actual date of completion of the project;
- g) the ERDF funding and the total cost of the project;
- h) the programme specific objective concerned;
- i) the location indicator or geolocation for the project and the countries concerned;
- j) the location of the LP and its PPs;
- k) the type of intervention for the project in accordance with point (g) of Article 73 (2) of the CPR.
3. The MA/JS is entitled to furthermore use these data for information and communication purposes as listed in Annex IX of the Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060.