Pilot in Italy, Veneto region
Pilot type: Skill development
Title of the pilot: New Digital Tours on Traditional Boat Making and Craft Tourism Design on Venice's Waterways
New digital tours on traditional boats in Venice are the result of a pilot action aimed to train the youth to create a number of digital itineraries on nautical craftsmanship in Venice and its Lagoon. Geo-historical, multimedia and ICT contents, including storytelling and interviews related to nautical traditions were elaborated by students of the Algarotti High School on Tourism (Venice).
All digital tours are downloadable for free. Go to Izi.Travel, digit: “Venice“ and discover the 5 tours available with the title “Explore Forgotten Venice and its Sailing Traditions“
Number of youth reached: 24 students trained and other 25 tested the final digital routes.
Veneto Region Tourism Department through Ciset envisaged a tailor made pilot action for YOUINHERIT based on the ESF Call #Sogna studia crea.
Specialized human resources (“Craft Tourism Designer” meaning 10 unemployed youngsters under 35) were trained in tourism/navigation/crafts/accommodation/culture/enterprise to implement a competitive but sustainable tourism offer. The pilot is organized into 4 steps:
1) 250 hours: class/laboratories/outdoor training
2) 32 hours: study visit
3) 320+320 hours: internships by stakeholders operating in lagoon and river context.
The pilot also foresees assessment meetings in order to have constant feedback from students. Both the internships were implemented with the realization of video-interviews to trainees and stakeholders.
Number of youth reached: 10