In work package three, we aim to develop common methodological guidance for DEEPWATER-CE MAR pilot feasibility studies (deliverable D.T3.2.5).

The guidance includes three main components:

(1) guidelines for water demand and supply determination (D.T3.2.1),

(2) guidelines for technical solutions to characterize a pilot site (D.T3.2.2),

(3) guidelines for Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the MAR scheme (D.T3.2.3).


In D.T3.2.1, information on present and future water demand and existing or required water supply was collected. These are important to design a MAR scheme of any type and are referred to as viability assessment in literature. Investigations to assess the water demand and supply after the MAR implementation are often called the MAR scheme's reliability assessment. The different steps of viability and reliability assessment, with respect to water demand and supply, are described and discussed in this report. Aspects such as supply logistics are also incorporated into the guidance.

In the guidelines for technical solutions to characterize a MAR pilot site (D.T3.2.2), we have collected information on how to assess a pilot site's potential to meet the requirements and restrictions stemming from e.g., environmental, technical, social, or human health aspects. The guidelines also focus on presenting risk assessment methodologies. Risk assessment is a step in risk management. After identifying the hazards and their related risks (risk assessment), the next step is to identify preventive measures to achieve an acceptable level of risk (risk treatment). In the guidelines, also propositions for risk treatment for potential risks at MAR sites can be found.

It is essential for the feasibility study of MAR solution to contain economic considerations, in particular, to make sure that potential benefits in monetary terms that MAR scheme provides are greater than incurred costs on its implementation.

In D.T3.2.3 guidelines to assess the economic feasibility of MAR scheme with Cost-Benefit analysis (CBA) have been developed. The main steps of CBA are outlined, distinguishing between the assessment of costs and benefits for drinking water MAR schemes and agricultural water MAR solutions. Particular attention is paid to the importance of accounting for non-use values of MAR schemes being an environmental good (support of ecosystems, existence and bequest value). The guideline also contains a part that deals with the regulatory framework and presents national legislation for the implementation of MAR solutions in partner countries.