Managed aquifer recharge

The first training is connected with the report D.T1.2.1 Collection of good practices and benchmark analysis on MAR solutions in the EU prepared within DEEPWATER CE project. 

This training is an essential course for all those interested in managed aquifer recharge topic as well as to all those wishing to achieve knowledge in this scope. The training covers 3 blocks with presentations which are fundamental for successfully running a course. 

1st block – MAR principles 

The presentations will inform on MAR principles and possibility of their implementation. Specifically, they will deal with MAR schemes definition and brief history; MAR objectives and criteria; types of MAR with focus on those types which will be covered by project pilot sites and availability of water sources for MAR schemes.

2nd block – MAR best practice examples

The topic of information provided will deal with factors influencing feasibility and performance of MAR; and best practice examples of MAR installations in Europe and worldwide. The block of presentations will be closed by a questions and answers session.

3rd block – National case studies on MAR schemes

The 3rd block will consist of presentations of national examples with a focus on the project pilot sites. The presentations will be followed by questions and answers on the relevant topic.

The information provided will deal with the national case study of the given organiser country involving an overview on organisation of water management; groundwater abstraction including percentage of groundwater in overall water supply; dominant types of aquifers;  status of groundwater monitoring;  significant pressures on groundwater and status of drinking water protection. Overview information on the pilot site of the partner country will be offered, especially on work planned at pilot site and its practical impacts on potential MAR schemes installations. 

Main aims:
- achieve knowledge in MAR principles and possibility of their implementation
- deliver information about factors influencing MAR and best practice examples
- handling questions