The conference "Plavební dny 2019" (Sailing Days 2019)
Mr. Pavel Santarius, representative of the PP3 (leader of the WPT2) presented the planned outputs of the TRANS TRITIA project, with especially focused on the potential of transfer possibility of moving of freight transport from road to waterways/railways on the cross-border region of Czech Republic, Poland and Slovak Republic. He stressed during lecture the importance of actively promoting of the implementation of the Oder Waterway as part of the Danube-Oder waterway connection and the expected positive benefits for freight transport. Mr. Santarius informed also about elaborating of three Actions Plans within the TRANS TRITIA Project and their interconnectedness, i.e. that it is not possible to understand the intention of building the Danube-Oder waterway as a separate infrastructure, but to include it into a multimodal logistics chain. The lecture was fit in the program block with representatives of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic or contractor of the feasibility study of the Danube-Oder-Elbe Water Corridor. It can also be understood that the conference organizer was interested in distributing the activities and results of the TRANS TRITIA project for support of multimodal transport (and especially water transport).