Last 07 June, the first part of the training organized for the stakeholders of the Province of Treviso within the TOGETHER project was concluded
How is it possible to overcome the obstacles that prevent us from saving huge amounts of energy by implementing technological, financial and behavioural actions? How is it possible to let free this huge potential of energy efficiency, which in fact cannot be exploited?
The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 project TOGETHER, tries to answer these questions. The project, coordinated by the Province of Treviso, lead partner of a partnership involving other 8 public authorities belonging to the Central Europe area, aims to help public administrations. It offers a training that addresses the topic of energy efficiency from an integrated perspective: technology, finance and behaviour.
The training (organised over 12 days) addresses administrators, technical staff and public buildings managers with the ambition of providing some tools to manage in an integrated approach the challenge of reducing energy consumptions.
The goal of the training is that of encouraging the participants to think outside the box, by going beyond the traditional tools available and taking into account innovative, alternative solutions: from the introduction of energy management systems to the involvement of final users in the reduction of energy consumptions.
Click to download the programme of the training (availble only in Italian)
VIDEOS N.1 & 2: Mr Antonio Zonta, coordinator of the project TOGETHER, explains from Greece the reasons why it is important to participate in the training in Treviso!

VIDEO N.3: Mr Sartorello, teacher of technology at Palladio upper secondary school in Treviso, is one of the trainees of the interdiscplinary training path organised thanks to the TOGETHER project! Here he explains us the added value of this training path and why it is important to take this opportunity!
Train-the-trainer!!! YOU NEVER STOP LEARNING!
A special thanks to the students involved in the video shooting!

VIDEO N.4: Ms Annalisa Pignata explains us why she is interested in the interdisciplinary training path, starting next 17 May in Treviso! She is the manager of the Environment Department of the Municipality of Quinto di Treviso, one of the ten local authorities involved in the pilot arena of the TOGETHER project! Don't miss this training opportunity!