Thematic Workpackage T2-
Adjustment and capitalization of available EE ICT tools through downstreaming activities

The aim of WPT2 is to capitalize technical ICT EE solutions (web viewer, 3D city models generation, databases, smartphone apps, financial and decision support tools, etc.) provided by other transnational projects in order to offer advanced solutions to increase skills of local/regional authorities and energy managers in managing building stocks and innovate their managerial system. Following stakeholders needs (A.T1.1) and transferability assessment results (A.T1.2), for each considered project and outcome, specific adjustments and tailoring actions will be performed, using partners know-out, experience and available material.

A.T2.1 will perform the downstreaming of 5 past ICT solutions related to spatial energy management (BOOSTEE-CE O.T2.1 & O.T2.2, eCentral D.T1.3.1 and CitiEnGov D.T 1.2.3) and energy monitoring (ENERGY@SCHOOL O.T2.1): in each PA, 3D building models will be produced using BOOSTEE-CE solutions and spatial/non-spatial data related to energy efficiency, in order to monitor in space and time energy flows.

D.T.2.1.1 Downstreaming_BOOSTEE
D.T.2.1.2 Downstreaming_eCentral
D.T.2.1.3 Downstreaming_Energy@school
D.T.2.1.4 Downstreaming_CitiEnGov_EnergyDashboard
D.T.2.1.5 Downstreaming_SpartialEE

For the link to our tool - Energy@School web app, please find:

A.T2.2 will perform the downstreaming of past 4 ICT solutions related to financial tools (eCentral O.T1.1, FEEDSCHOOLS O.T1.1 & O.T2.1 and EMPOWER D.T2.2.1) and decision support tools - DST (eCentral O.T1.3): PAs and PPs will have optimal financing and decision mechanisms for finalizing public buildings renovation plans.  
Downstreaming actions will include, beside tools adjustment, also data collection in all PAs. All solutions will be adjusted and tailored in a way that they can be further rolled-out and used at other national, regional or local levels and they will be available inside BOOSTEE-CE OnePlace platform. They will be deployed and tested in the new-comer PAs of the consortium (WPT4) and proposed on a wider range of public buildings (through the energy management plans - WPT4).

D.T.2.2.1 Downstreaming_eCentral_Tools
D.T.2.2.2 Downstreaming_Feedschool_Solutions
D.T.2.2.3 Downstreaming_EMPOWER_GoodPracticeRegister
D.T.2.2.4 Downstreaming_Actions