Development of a toolbox of smart participatory methods

The main focus was to identify and further develop participatory methods and tools with an aim to involve users-citizens in Central Europe regions into urban innovation. Final output is developed and tested Toolbox of Smart urban innovation participatory methods and tools.

The Toolbox is a unique on-line tool that helps organizations to engage end-users (citizens, consumers) into different innovation processes. It can support processes of crowdsourcing, development of urban visions, strategies or projects, development or improvement of services or technologies, motivation and qualification of users etc.

A tool is designed in a form of an on-line manual, which guides the facilitators of the participatory process through the steps of:

  • identifying key target groups and animating them to participate;
  • using new communication channels and technologies (social media) to reach wider audiences;
  • organizing participatory events and maintaining relationship with participants after the interactive event.

The innovative dimension of the toolbox is that it is substantially prolonging the interaction with participants before and especially after the participatory event by using new digital media and sharing platforms. It is also foreseeing the participation of “remote audiences” which can take a part in the participatory process only through digital media. All of this should bring higher quality of developed solutions (services, technologies etc.) since they will be better reflecting the end-users needs and will be harmonized with rhythms of people’s lives.

The toolbox is available in English and several CE local languages: German, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Slovenian and Croatian. 

The Toolbox was built through the process of preparation of two deliverables:

  • D.T2.1.3 Analysis of previous projects results and capitalization plan: report includes analysis of previous relevant projects and results achieved and capitalization plan –used as an input for activity A.T2.2 in order to avoid duplication of activities or costs.
  • D.T2.1.1 Inventory of available participatory methods and tools: the participatory methods and showcases identified in the Inventory served as a starting point for the development of the toolbox.

To ensure quality testing of the toolbox in participatory regions, also KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER WORKSHOP AND TRANSNATIONAL TRAINING FOR FACILITATORS was organized.

The main objective of the training was to transfer information and knowledge about participatory methods and tools through implementation of the theoretical and practical involvement of participants – future training facilitators in project’s participating regions.

Toolbox available:
Toolbox scheme

Toolbox scheme