3rd Steering Committee Meeting
The meeting took place in Gliwice. Partners’ representatives nominated to be Members of Steering Committee (SC) as well as Associated Partners’ representatives and external key stakeholders participated. The main purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss current situation in the project, as well as, to involve the Members as experts in the field of freight transportation into activities within the project implementation, as well as to present the state of play of recent mid-term review meeting.
At the beginning, Members were welcomed by Project Manager, Ms Aleksandra Krawucka, who presented the agenda of the meeting, after that she focused on the first presentation - progress within project implementation and mid-term review. The second presentation was given by Mr Andrzej Szymborski, a coordinator of the Work Package 1 (WPT1). He presented the information about current level of work, specific documents prepared within the work package since the last Steering Committee meeting, including recent meetings and consultations with regional decision-makers, which gave the input for the preparation of the Strategy. After that, he introduced next steps ahead - workshops leading to the elaboration of cross-border action plans.
The next speaker was Mr Pavel Santarius - the leader of Work Package 2 (WPT2). Described project implementation of WPT2, completed documents, and the ones being in preparation. He also presented in details the first project outputs - Inland Waterways Action Plan, describing objectives, activities and planned steps.
The Work Package 3 (WPT3) was presented by its leader Mr Michal Trnka, he gave updated information about current progress of traffic survey and collecting data for Tritia transport model, as well as reports being prepared concerning the assessment of rail and waterway systems.