STALEHOLDERS MEETING - 25.06.2019 (Ostrava)
The meeting of stakeholders recently took place in the General Consulate of Poland in Ostrava was mostly focused on the content, tasks and progress of the project within the Work Package 2 - Multimodal Transport across TRITIA area, responsibility of the parter The Union for the Development of Moravian-Silesian Region.
This work package is focused on the activities related to improving of environmental impact of freight transport, flow of goods to the TRITIA area and the flow within this area. These activities are based on the extend of navigability, Odra to Ostrava, and Vah to Zilina, and also improving of rail transport between the new river ports in Zilina and Ostrava. Mr Pavel Santarius, Project Manager of the Project Partner 3 - The Union - presented the current state of the project, as well as the progress in this WP. Recently, the WP2 completed the Action Plan Inland Waterways and outlined the processing of the Action Plan Logistic Centres / Terminals - the subject of the meeting. Mr Kominek, presented drafts of the prepared reports, that are dealing with the density of the terminals in European countries. The meeting was not only focused on the point of view of the Project Partners - in the discussion took part logistic operators, municipalities and scientific institutions.