Smart Specialisation: monitoring and evaluation State of the play and next steps

Joint Research Centre, European Committee of the Regions and  Directorate-General for Regional Policy invite to join the workshop : „Smart Specialisation: monitoring and evaluation State of the play and next steps”, which will be hold on 24 January in Bruxelles.

The workshop pursues two main objectives:

  • Share the JRC knowledge and work on monitoring which include:
    • A basic conceptual framework for S3 monitoring, illustrated in detail in a Massive Open Online Course, available on the iversity platform
    • Empirical evidence on S3 monitoring related issues (state of the play, challenges, obstacles, etc.) collected through surveys and workshops.
  • Start building a conceptual framework for S3 evaluation.

The workshop shall be dynamic, including elements of dialogue and interaction with participants, highlighting the links with the experiences of researchers and practitioners in the audience.

Streaming will be available for the duration of the event at:

Concept note and agenda of the meeting: