Workshop for Children from Kindergarten on Re-Use
October is the month of falling leaves, but also a period when a number of kindergartens from cities affected by air pollution go to their autumn nurseries in nature. This year, children from kindergarten from Orlová went to the Beskydy Mountains to Švarna Hanka chalet and solvers of SURFACE project: SURFACE - Smart Urban Reuse Flagship Alliances in Central Europe, CE970 supported by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Program organized a workshop about re-use problematic for them on 8.10.2018.
The aim of the workshop was to show children a playful way that there is no need to throw away into trash everything that is seemingly useless at home but it is possible to use it for something.
First, the children who got together at Švarná Hanka (30 of them) pulled sweaters to threads and prepared a woolen ball for further use. From the wrecks and wrinkles, the children created pictures.
For the production of pictures, they used papers which have already been printed on one side.
Because everyone wanted to bring a souvenir to their mother, the children in the second part of the program had the opportunity to create a photo frame from an old magazine and the rest of the boxes.
Throughout the workshop, discussions took place about what children have at home and what they could use for example as a crayon rack.
The children creations have been very nice and we all hope that we have managed to spark their interest in Re - Use.