In our entire special purpose area we draw from a large pool of those who work with their institution, e.g. Bulk garbage exchanges, used goods stores, repair cafes, employment projects, garment exchanges or meaningful clearing concepts make a major contribution to waste prevention, reuse strategies and already successfully implement their ideas for better sustainability.
With the three-year funding program of Interreg central europe under the project title "SURFACE", we ZAK Abfallwirtschaft GmbH will cooperate with nine other project partners from the European Union. Our big goal is to network stakeholders from regional and local levels and integrate them into integrated environmental management based on new concepts. In particular, it should be demonstrated that reuse is the key to a sustainable lifestyle. Among other things, our project assignment will be to create the appropriate infrastructure covering the areas • Collection and storage • transport • Preparation for reuse • points of sale (used goods stores) for products that can be reused
New concepts, strategies with sensible solutions and an eye on the production of products, can be used to successfully achieve sustainability and waste prevention goals. But we also need concepts for the perception of corporate responsibility for sustainable consumption.