In October 2019, a reuse centre opens in Miskolc, that will fulfil two purposes: the reduction of waste and the social support for those in need by prolonging the life of unwanted but still useful objects. Thus, these objects received and collected here – such as toys, books, furniture – are sold for a bargain price.
The MiReHu Nonprofit Kft. (MiReHu Nonprofit Ltd.) in Miskolc is a public service subcontractor of the company responsible for the municipal waste management in the region. Apart from the operation of landfill sites and the accumulation and processing of selective waste, its tasks include the management of waste containers, their delivery and transportation and also the de-icing of roads and sidewalks during wintertime.
Their most recent service is the reuse centre opening in October 2019, where unwanted objects or those disposed during moving, but still in usable condition are received in order to be used further by other people. The aim is the protection of the environment by reducing the quantity of waste delivered to landfills, and socially supporting those with low income, who can purchase a wide variety of everyday objects for a fair price.
The locals can bring here primarily books, storage units, kitchen supplies, sports equipment, decorations, paintings, lamps and a limited a number of furniture (up until the capacity of the shop).
In order to promote reuse, MiReHU carries out a thorough communication campaign especially through videos, in which they intend to encourage the population to act in order to receive more and more donations and also customers.
The MiReHU is the so-called “twinning partner” of BayZoltánAlkalmazottKutatásiközhasznúNonprofitKft. (Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research) within the SURFACE Project launched in 2017 and operating until June 2020 with the participation of 9 countries, the aim of which is the prevention of waste production and encouragement of reuse by supporting the establishment of reuse parks.