Become a reuse ambassador!

The Bay Zoltán Research Institute is launching an awareness-raising campaign to promote reuse within the framework of the SURFACE project.

The issue of environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important topic nowadays and waste prevention plays an important role in this. One of the practical ways to avoid producing waste is to prolong the useful life of our everyday objects and devices around us. We can do this by not throwing away items we no longer use, but allowing others to use them.

This is why the Bay Zoltán Research Institute announces an online campaign titled “Become a re-use ambassador!” within the framework of project SURFACE. The aim of the campaign is to raise environmental awareness and increase social responsibility.

Taking advantage of the extra time that quarantine gives us, school-age children are asked to look around, talk to their families about which items are no longer important to them and only take up space (e.g., sports equipment in good condition: bicycles, balls, scooters; toys, books, furniture).

After the end of the emergency, the selected objects can be handed over free of charge at the Educational and Reuse Centres of the FKF Nonprofit Zrt. (addresses: Budapest, XV., Károlyi Sándor u. 166. and Budapest, XVIII., Besence u. 1/A.) and in the Miskolc Reuse Centre (address: Miskolc, József Attila utca 65.). These items can find a new owner for a symbolic price later on at the centres, thus contributing to environmental sustainability.
