SIforREF Pilots
The SIforREF Pilots are concrete actions for the inclusion of refugees into society and labour market. They are designed and implemented building on the extensive research and stakeholder cooperation within the project. Each pilot addresses a specific challenge, a specific target group, and a specific goal in respect to refugee inclusion. The pilots were conducted in the 5 partner regions of Parma, Ljubljana, Berlin, Vienna, and Bologna. They will be evaluated in respect to the question of effectivness and transferability. Key findings will contribute to enhance local and international policy measures.
Self-employment and me
(Berlin, Germany)
Selbstständigkeit und Ich (self-employment and me) is a pilot programme aimed to support Arabic and Farsi speaking women (35+ years) with a refugee background to explore self-employment to meaningfully access the labour market and secure self-sufficiency.
Work for Refugees
(Berlin, Germany)
The pilot Work for Refugees was an advisory services for refugee women between March and September 2021 intended to facilitate greater integration into the German labor market. In addition, barriers to the labor market for refugee women should be understood and the needs of the target group transparently communicated to stakeholders and institutions in the labor market in order to be able to offer refugee women suitable entry opportunities and working conditions.

Welfare Community Management
(Bologna, Italy)
The aim of the pilot in Bologna “Connettiamoci! Coltivare Comunità” was to contribute - through Community Labs activities and social inclusion laboratories - to the growth of a culture of relationship and participation among citizens, asylum seekers and refugees living in the metropolitan City of Bologna.

Connecting refugees with the labour market, education and craft.
(Ljubljana, Slovenia)
The aim of the pilot was to scrutinize on needs and skills of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants regarding an aspired inclusion in the labour market in Slovenia. Based on the skills and experiences the participant have from both, their country of origin and new country of residence, common project should be co-created and pursued.

Social Caretakers
(Parma, Italy)
After legal recognition and institutional reception many refugees find it difficult to rent a house and have access to a full social integration in the local community. The Pilot aimed to give an answer to both these problems, at the same time showing to the natives that refugees can be a resource fo the community as a whole, counteracting racism/ discrimination.
Non formal education for apprentices
(Vienna, Austria)
This pilot aimed for a long-term integration of soft skill education for apprentices of magdas hotel- is a social business in which young refugees or people with migration background take part in an apprenticeship programme. Besides the formal education magdas aimed to provide nonformal education to their apprentices within the format of workshops in order to raise chances on the general job market as well as to suppor them on daily issues and active long term integration in the society. Further the pilot aims to include diverse trainers in the coaching team. Therefor new trainers with migration background where educated and could try out their newly gained skills in the workshops for magdas.

Volunteers for Volunteers
(Vienna, Austria)
The aim of the pilot action was to train 12 new volunteers (mostly with migrant or refugee background) and to provide information on "Labour market integration of refugees and migrants” during five training workshops organised by former volunteers.