DEEPWATER-CE results on the ResearchGate platform!

Our project already has its own place on the ResearchGate platform, where we will share the final results of our work with you!

We encourage you to read the first report:

Collection of good practices and benchmark analysis on MAR solutions in the EU

This paper provides a logical approach and step-by-step introduces the reader with essential MAR topics, such as: ·

  • Definition and a brief history of Manager Aquifer Recharge
  • Objectives and criteria
  • Types of operation
  • Source of water used in MAR operation
  • Feasibility and performance factors
  • Manager Aquifer Recharge in Europe
  • Good practices

Furthermore, within this paper, existing MAR projects in five Central European countries are presented in order to provide visualization for the reader regarding how MAR operation works and why is it required.

 Read the results!