Guidebook for Local Authorities on PPP in heritage revitalisation strategies

Within the RESTAURA project, project partners recently produced the “Guidebook for Local Authorities on PPP in heritage revitalisation strategies”. The purpose of this Guidebook is to offer local authorities guidelines for preparing and implementing Integrated Built Heritage Revitalisation Plans (IBHRPs) including principles and procedures to accelerate revitalisation with the use of public private partnerships (PPP). It offers step-by-step insight into procedures necessary for heritage revitalisation based on PPP. It starts with defining the Integrated Built Heritage Revitalisation Plan, as a most contemporary tool of heritage revitalisation, and draws on key principles in creating them. Then it sets key principles related to good governance in a public-private partnership. Further on, IBHRPs are put in relation with the overall strategic urban development context, and the necessary structure of the IBHRP is proposed ending with the listing of heritage revitalisation projects/ideas gathered in the Action plan. This serves as a basis for the possible implementation of the public-private partnership. The next step entails the analysis of different delivery options for revitalisation plans (from traditional public procurement schemes, public-private partnerships models, up to the full privatisation options) which is followed by concrete procedures for heritage revitalisation strategies by using PPP model (Assessment of the justification for using the PPP model and Preparation and approval of the project proposal). Finally, procedures for the procurement of the private partner as well as conclusion, implementation and monitoring of the PPP contract are explained.

The Guidebook structure is designed as to accommodate basic ‘how-to’ information in the process of preparing and implementing PPP projects in heritage revitalisation divided in 10 basic steps. A wider textual explanation is always followed by a framed brief procedural information. The Guidebook is available in English, Croatian, Polish, Slovakian and Slovenian.

Link: Guidebook.pdf (download english version).