What is the Work package about?
The RAINMAN project began its work in 2017 with a consortium of ten partner institutions from six countries. The partnership jointly developed innovative methods and new tools to support municipalities and regions to cope with the hazards of heavy rain and to mitigate heavy rain risks as far as possible.
These management tools and methods were put together in the RAINMAN-Toolbox, an information platform for municipalities and further local and regional stakeholders with a collection of the tools developed in the RAINMAN project and tested in different pilot regions.
All developed tools can be found on https://rainman-toolbox.eu/ page.

- Jüpner, Robert; Müller Uwe. (2017). Tagungsband zur 9. Veranstaltung des Forums der EG-HWRM-RL am 22. Juni 2017 in Augsburg.