Peripheral Access final conference 26 May – register now!
Our final conference will take place on 26 May as an online format – two webinars will take place that you can now register for:
Connecting Peripheries
The first conference event is an online-symposium jointly hosted with AEBR, the Association of European Border Regions. The event focusses on two key topics – 1: Boosting cross-border connections; 2: Targeted solutions for peri-urban and rural areas – illustrated by two project examples each, followed by a Q&A.
Register here:
Regional mobility beyond TEN-T
The second conference event is a joint online convention with the Interreg CE project SubNodes. Participants can expect a keynote speech from the European Commission and four best practice examples from the two Interreg projects, followed by a Q&A.
Register here:

Agendas of the final conference webinars.